American Depository Receipt

American Depository Receipt
   called in the banking trade an ADR, it is a receipt issued by American banks to Americans as a substitute for actual ownership of shares of foreign stocks. ADRs are traded on American stock exchanges and over-the-counter easily without the necessity of trading the foreign shares themselves.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • American Depository Receipt — (ADR)    A receipt issued by U.S. banks to U.S. citizens as a substitute for the outright ownership of foreign shares. ADRs can be readily traded on American stock exchanges, avoiding the need to trade the actual foreign shares …   Business law dictionary

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  • American Depository Receipt — (ADR)  Certificate backed by shares of a foreign company.  ► “ADRs are negotiable registered certificates issued by American depositories in the names of particular foreign entities, usually foreign corporations.” (CPA Journal, July 1995, p. 70) …   American business jargon

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  • American depositary receipt — Banking A series on Financial services …   Wikipedia

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