- communication
com·mu·ni·ca·tion /kə-ˌmyü-nə-'kā-shən/ n: the expression to another of information or thoughts through speech, writing, or gestures see also confidential communication, privileged communication
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- communication
(discourse) noun
col locution, colloquy, communicatio, communique, conference, conversation, correspondence, dialogue, dissertation, exchange, interchange, intercommunication, intercourse, interlocution
associated concepts: attorney and client communication, conditionally privileged communication, confidential communication, husband and wife communication, physician and patient communication, privileged communication, telegraph communication, telephonic communication, verbal communication, written communication
(statement) noun
announcement, annunciation, declaration, disclosure, dissemination, divulgement, information, message, news, notification, proclamation, report, revelation, utterance, writing
admission (disclosure), caveat, contact (association), conversation, correspondence (communication by letters), disclosure (act of disclosing), disclosure (something disclosed), dispatch (message), expression (comment), information (knowledge), intelligence (news), issuance, language, mention (reference), note (brief comment), notice (announcement), notice (warning), notification, parley, publication (disclosure), report (detailed account), tip (clue), transmittal
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- communication
EUNon-legislative instrument of the European Community drafted by the European Commission, usually as a statement of intent. They are not legally binding and do not form part of the formal legislative procedure, but are used to express general or specific plans of the Commission. These could be an intention to propose new or review existing legislation or be guidance on legislation.Related terms+ communicationEuropean UnionNon-legislative instrument of the European Union (EU) drafted by the European Commission, usually as a statement of intent. They are not legally binding and do not form part of the formal legislative procedure, but are used to express general or specific plans of the Commission. These could be an intention to propose new or review existing legislation or be guidance on legislation.Glossary
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
- communication
n.1 The exchange, imparting, or transmission of ideas, information, opinions, or thoughts, transmitted electronically or by gestures, speech, or writing.2 A message so exchanged, imparted, or transmitted.@ confidential communicationA communication made during the course of a confidential relationship that is legally protected from involuntary disclosure and may be withheld from evidence.See also privilege.=>> communication.@ privileged communicationA communication made, whether or not during course of a confidential relationship, that is legally protected from involuntary disclosure and may be withheld from evidence.See also privilege.=>> communication.@
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.