foreign law

foreign law
the law of any jurisdiction having a different system of law from that applied by the court considering the issue. In English law what is the foreign law in any given case is a matter of fact to be proved by the evidence of expert witnesses.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • foreign law — The law of a state or country other than the forum. The law of a state or jurisdiction other than the state or jurisdiction in which it is sought to enforce such law. Marshall v Sherman, 148 NY 9, 42 NE 419. See conflict of laws …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • foreign issuer — In the US, any issuer which is a foreign government, a national of any foreign country or a corporation or other organisation incorporated or organised under the laws of a foreign country. + foreign issuer USA Any issuer which is a foreign… …   Law dictionary

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