Prohibited degree of kinship — The prohibited degree of kinship refers to a degree of consanguinity (relatedness) below which sexual interrelationships are regarded as incestuous. Inbreeding is a taboo across nearly all cultures worldwide, but the line at which a relationship… … Wikipedia
fifth degree of kinship — The degree of kinship between a deceased intestate and the children of decedent s first cousin, sometimes designated as first cousins once removed , is in the fifth degree . Simonton v. Edmunds, 202 S.C. 397, 25 S.E.2d 284, 285 … Black's law dictionary
fifth degree of kinship — The degree of kinship between a deceased intestate and the children of decedent s first cousin, sometimes designated as first cousins once removed , is in the fifth degree . Simonton v. Edmunds, 202 S.C. 397, 25 S.E.2d 284, 285 … Black's law dictionary
degree — de·gree n 1: a step in a direct line of descent or in the line of ascent to a common ancestor 2 a: a measure of the seriousness of a crime see also fifth degree, first degree, f … Law dictionary
fifth degree of kinship — A second cousin under the civil law method of computing degrees of kinship which has been adopted in most American jurisdictions. 23 Am J2d Desc & D § 48 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Degree — may refer to: Contents 1 As a unit of measurement 2 In mathematics 3 In education … Wikipedia
Degree of relationship — is a measurement of kinship, and may generally be measured as either one vertical or horizontal step in a standard family tree. A first degree relative is a family member who shares about 50 percent of their genes with a particular individual in… … Wikipedia
kinship — /kin ship/, n. 1. the state or fact of being of kin; family relationship. 2. relationship by nature, qualities, etc.; affinity. [1825 35; KIN + SHIP] Syn. 1. See relationship. 1, 2. connection. 2. bearing. * * * Socially recognized relationship… … Universalium
second degree relationship — A degree of kinship, including brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren, according to the civil law method of computing degrees of kinship which prevails in most American jurisdictions. 23 Am J2d Desc & D § 48. See degrees of kinship … Ballentine's law dictionary
Chinese kinship — The Chinese kinship system (simplified Chinese: 亲属系统; traditional Chinese: 親屬系統; pinyin: qīn shǔ xì tǒng) is classified as a Sudanese kinship system (also referred to as the Descriptive system ) used to define family. Identified by Lewis Henry… … Wikipedia