swear falsely - temerarious
- take an oath
- take another's place
- take apart
- take as an axiom
- take as an heir
- take as one's own
- take authority
- take away
- take away an essential part
- take away from
- take back
- take back again
- take birth
- take by assault
- take by authority
- take by craft
- take by descent
- take by force
- take by fraud
- take by illegal methods
- take by inheritance
- take by stealth
- take by strategem
- take by succession
- take by theft
- take by unfair methods
- take captive
- take care
- take care of
- take charge
- take charge of
- take cognizance
- take cognizance of
- take command
- take control
- take control of
- take counsel
- take counsel with oneself
- take disciplinary action
- take dishonestly