1Aberration-Corrected Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy , Rik Brydson
The book is concerned with the theory, background, and practical use of transmission electron microscopes with lens correctors that can correct the effects of spherical aberration. The book also… 5931.6 руб электронная книга2Observations made with the Cookson floating zenith telescope in the years 1911-1918 at the Royal observatory, Greenwich, for the determination of the variation... of latitude and the constant of aberration , Observatory Royal Greenwich (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 686 руб3Paul Ier - Le Tsar mal aime , Henri Troyat (2005)
«Fils pr&# 233;sum&# 233; de Pierre III et de Catherine la Grande, Paul Ier (1754-1801)&# 233;prouve durant son r&# 232;gne, bref et calamiteux, l’irr&# 233;sistible besoin de d&# 233;plaire… 653 руб4Paul Ier : Le Tsar mal aime , Henri Troyat (2005)
Fils presume de Pierre III et de Catherine la Grande, Paul Ier (1754-1801) eprouve durant son regne, bref et calamiteux, l'irresistible besoin de deplaire, comme d'autres eprouvent le besoin de… 829 руб5Political Beethoven , Mathew Nicholas (2013)
Musicians, music lovers and music critics have typically considered Beethoven's overtly political music as an aberration; at best, it is merely notorious, at worst, it is denigrated and ignored. In… 6943 руб6Paul Ier - Le Tsar mal aime , Henri Troyat (2005)
Fils pr&233;sum&233; de Pierre III et de Catherine la Grande, Paul Ier (1754-1801)&233;prouve durant son r&232;gne, bref et calamiteux, l irr&233;sistible besoin de d&233;plaire, comme d… 845 грн (только Украина)7Disorders of Menstruation , Marshburn Paul
Learn how to interpret menstrual cycle events as vital signs for women. Irregularities in the pattern and amount of vaginal bleeding of uterine origin are often signs of pathology or an aberration in… 7488.65 руб электронная книга8Marriage, a History. How Love Conquered Marriage , Coontz Stephanie (2006)
In this surprising landmark book, family historian Stephanie Coontz explodes every cherished assumption about marriage, starting with the notion of the traditional marriage. Forget Ozzie and Harriet… 1229 руб9Bound By The Baby , Susan Crosby
Buttoned-up banker Devlin Campbell prided himself on his control.That one passionate night in Atlantic City had been an aberration, but one with lasting consequences: his mystery woman was pregnant… 120.15 руб электронная книга10Nekomonogatari (White) (2017)
Launching into new territory that the author hadn't mapped out when he embarked on the series, NEKOMONOGATARI (White) tells the tale of heroine Tsubasa Hanekawa from her own perspective, in her own… 1145 руб