Be interested in

  • 31interested — adjective 1) an interested crowd Syn: attentive, fascinated, riveted, gripped, captivated, agog, intrigued, curious, keen, eager 2) the government consulted with interested bodies Syn: conce …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 32interested — adjective a) Having or showing interest. Im very interested in going to see that play. b) Owning a share of a company …


  • 33interested — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Having one s interest aroused] Syn. stimulated, sympathetic, attentive, engaged, attracted, enticed, lured, curious, intrigued, fascinated, drawn, touched, moved, affected, excited, inspired, inspirited, responsive,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 34interested — adj 1. concerned, involved, a party to, included, implicated, in on. 2. partisan, partial, one sided, warped, swayed; participatory, undetached, nonobjective, undispassionate; prejudiced, biased, colored, influenced, jaundiced. 3. engaged,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 35interested — in•ter•est•ed [[t]ˈɪn tər ə stɪd, trə stɪd, təˌrɛs tɪd[/t]] adj. 1) having an interest or share; concerned 2) having the attention or curiosity engaged 3) influenced by personal or selfish motives: an interested witness[/ex] • Etymology: 1655–65… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 36interested — Having an interest. See interested person …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 37interested in patent — Owning the exclusive right at the time an infringement was committed. Moose v Marsh (US) 7 Wall 515, 19 L Ed 37, 39 (construing statute authorizing action for infringement by person interested.) …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 38directly interested in labor dispute — Interested as the employer; interested as an employee in hours, wages, or working conditions involved. Anno: 28 ALR2d 338, 339 …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 39interested party — anyone or group having an interest in the fishery being managed, e.g. commercial, recreational, conservation, exploitation, artisanal, industrial, fisher, buyer, processor, trader, governments, general public, consumers, etc. A wider term than… …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 40Interested Shareholder — A shareholder or association with beneficial ownership, whether direct or indirect, of enough voting stock to affect company decisions. The actual percentage of stock that a beneficial shareholder must own is dependent upon the state or country… …

    Investment dictionary