Become ripe
1become ripe — index mature Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2RIPE NCC — The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) is the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia. An RIR oversees the allocation and registration of Internet number resources (IPv4… …
3Chalvington with Ripe — Coordinates: 50°51′52″N 0°09′33″E / 50.864436°N 0.159125°E / 50.864436; 0.159125 …
4mature — ma·ture /mə tu̇r, chu̇r/ vb ma·tured, ma·tur·ing vt: to bring to maturity a policy matured by the death of the insured vi: to become due, payable, or enforceable; specif: to entitle one to immediate enjoyment of benefits her pension right matured …
5mature — I. a. 1. Perfected by time, complete, perfect, ripe, full grown. 2. Prepared, ready, well considered, well digested, completed, ripe. II. v. a. 1. Ripen. 2. Perfect, bring to perfection, bring to maturity, advance toward perfection. III. v. n …
6ripen — /ˈraɪpən / (say ruypuhn) verb (i) 1. to become ripe. 2. to come to maturity, the proper condition, etc.; mature. –verb (t) 3. to make ripe. 4. to bring to maturity. {Middle English ripe(n), Old English rīpian, from rīpe ripe} –ripener, noun …
7Anaphora (linguistics) — In linguistics, anaphora is an instance of an expression referring to another.In general, an anaphoric expression is represented by a pro form or some kind of deictic.In some theories, the strict definition of anaphora includes only references to …
8ripen — [ˈraɪpən] verb [I/T] to become ripe, or to make something become ripe …
9Jain (Satvika) — The traditional Jain cuisine is completely vegetarian and also excludes onions and garlic like the shojin ryori cuisine of Japan. This it is also called satvic because onions and garlic are regarded to be tamasic. The strict Jain cuisine also… …
10clupeiform — ▪ fish Introduction any member of the superorder Clupeomorpha, a group of bony fishes (bony fish) with one living order, the Clupeiformes, that contains some of the world s most numerous and economically important fishes (fish). The order… …