Become void

  • 71determine — verb (determined; determining) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French determiner, from Latin determinare, from de + terminare to limit, from terminus boundary, limit more at term Date: 14th century transitive verb 1 …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 72Fee simple — is an estate in land in common law. It is the most common way real estate is owned in common law countries, and is ordinarily the most complete ownership interest that can be had in real property short of allodial title, which is often reserved… …


  • 73Deed — For the British cargo ship, see SS Deed. Property law …


  • 74Kingdom of Scotland — Infobox Former Country native name = Rìoghachd na h Alba spaces|2resize|75%|(Gaelic ) Kinrick o Scotland spaces|2resize|75%|(Scots) conventional long name = Kingdom of Scotland common name = Scotland continent =Europe region = British Isles… …


  • 75Sethu Canal — The Sethu Canal, also known as the Sethu Samudram Ship Canal Project, was inaugurated on 2 July, 2005, by Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India. This proposed navagational canal through a 19 mile (30 km) stretch of shallow sea in the Palk… …


  • 76Land Acquisition Act — The Land Acquisition Act of 1894 is a legal Act in India which allows the Government of India to acquire any land in the country.“Land Acquisition” literally means acquiring of land for some public purpose by government/government agency, as… …


  • 77Ghazi Muhammad — Ghazi Mullah (Russian: Кази Мулла, Kazi Mulla , 1795 1832) was an Avarian Islamic scholar and ascetic, who was the first Imam of Dagestan (from 1829 to 1832). He was a staunch ally of Imam Shamil. [ war.html… …


  • 78Demise of the Crown Act 1727 — The Demise of the Crown Act 1727 (c.5) is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. The long title and preamble of the Act are: “ An Act … for altering and explaining the Acts of Parliament therein mentioned, in relation to qualifying Persons… …


  • 79lapse — lapser, n. /laps/, n., v., lapsed, lapsing. n. 1. an accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition or state; a temporary falling or slipping from a previous standard: a lapse of justice. 2. a slip or error,… …


  • 80obligation — ob·li·ga·tion /ˌä blə gā shən/ n 1: a promise, acknowledgment, or agreement (as a contract) that binds one to a specific performance (as payment); also: the binding power of such an agreement or indication held that the amendment did not… …

    Law dictionary