
  • 11The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson , Emily Dickinson (1994)
    Initially a vivacious, outgoing person, Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) progressively withdrew into a reclusive existence. An undiscovered genius during her lifetime, only seven out of her total of 1… 353 руб

  • 12Classique: Cover Art for Classical Music , Horst Scherg (2008)
    "Classique" introduces 777 of the most inspiring classical LP covers from their heyday, documenting groundbreaking art work and cover culture that is typical for the epoch. In the same way that an… 5027 руб

  • 13La dame aux cam&# 233;lias , Alexandre Dumas (2001)
    Elle l'aimait, elle en&# 233;tait aim&# 233;e mais la biens&# 233;ance et la mort la s&# 233;par&# 232;rent de lui. Ce roman, dont Alexandre Dumas fils tira aussi un drame, est inspir&# 233; de… 627 руб

  • 14Les Trois Soeurs , Anton Tchekhov (1991)
    Dans une ville de province, perdue dans l'immense Russie, trois s&# 339;urs s'ennuient, mais esp&# 232;rent: Moscou, le retour de l'enfance, la vraie vie... Tout est encore possible le deuil est… 559 руб

  • 15Tremendous Trifles , G. K. Chesterton (1909)
    So it was, certainly, with the Bastille. The destruction of the Bastille was not a reform; it was something more important than a reform. It was aniconoclasm; it was the breaking of a stone image… 1775 руб

  • 1620, 000 Leagues Under the Sea , Jules Verne (2010)
    HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.'The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an… 194 руб

  • 17The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (2008)
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand magazine, in which they were first published, and won immense popularity for Sherlock Holmes and… 407 руб

  • 18Les Chevaliers du Subjonctif , Erik Orsenna (2006)
    Il y a ceux qui veulent gendarmer le langage et le mettre&# 224; leur botte, comme le terrible N&# 233;crole, dictateur de l'archipel des Mots, et la rev&# 234;che Mme Jargonos, l'inspectrice dont le… 764 руб

  • 19Shock Wave , Clive Cussler (2002)
    A mysterious plague in the Antarctic. A diamond empire run by an evil genius. A devastating new technology that threatens to annihilate millions. Tasman Sea, 1856. A British clipper ship bound for… 655 руб

  • 20Le testament francais , Andrei Makine (1998)
    "Je me souvenais qu'un jour, dans une plaisanterie sans ga&# 238;t&# 233;, Charlotte m'avait dit qu'apr&# 232;s tous ses voyages&# 224; travers l'immense Russie, venir&# 224; pied jusqu'en France… 1096 руб