Inordinate desire

  • 91covet — /ˈkʌvət / (say kuvuht) verb (t) 1. to desire inordinately, or without due regard to the rights of others; desire wrongfully. 2. to wish for, especially eagerly. –verb (i) 3. to have an inordinate or wrongful desire. {Middle English coveiten, from …

  • 92Nahj al-Balagha — Part of a series on the Imam of Islam Ali Life …


  • 93Avarice — • The inordinate love for riches Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Avarice     Avarice     † …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 94Lust — • The inordinate craving for, or indulgence of, the carnal pleasure which is experienced in the human organs of generation Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Lust     Lust      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 95Virtue — • According to its etymology the word virtue (Latin virtus) signifies manliness or courage Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Virtue     Virtue      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 96Malakia (effeminacy) — In Greek society, effeminacy (Greek: gr. ἀνανδρία ndash; anandria ; gr. μαλακία ndash; malakia; Latin: mollites) was a term applied to men who were perceived as having the quality of unmanliness, softness or delicacy, shown by moral weakness,… …


  • 97Arguments for and against drug prohibition — Arguments about the prohibition of drugs, and over drug policy reform, are subjects of considerable controversy. The following is a presentation of major drug policy arguments, including those for drug law enforcement on one side of the debate,… …


  • 98Radix malorum est cupiditas — The official emblem of the Black Rose, an anarchist symbol, with the quotation on the bottom of the seal. Radix malorum est cupiditas is a Biblical quotation in Latin that means greed is the root of evils (or, in sentence order, the root of evil… …


  • 99Protestantism — /prot euh steuhn tiz euhm/, n. 1. the religion of Protestants. 2. the Protestant churches collectively. 3. adherence to Protestant principles. [1640 50; PROTESTANT + ISM] * * * One of the three major branches of Christianity, originating in the… …


  • 100Luther, Martin — • Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Luther, Martin      …

    Catholic encyclopedia