Nominal value

  • 61nominal — /ˈnɒmənəl / (say nomuhnuhl) adjective 1. being such in name only; so called: nominal peace. 2. (of a price, consideration, etc.) named as a mere matter of form, being trifling in comparison with the actual value. 3. of, relating to, or consisting …

  • 62Nominal damages — Damage Dam age (d[a^]m [asl]j; 48), n. [OF. damage, domage, F. dommage, fr. assumed LL. damnaticum, from L. damnum damage. See {Damn}.] 1. Injury or harm to person, property, or reputation; an inflicted loss of value; detriment; hurt; mischief.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 63Nominal horse power — Horse power Horse pow er 1. The power which a horse exerts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 64nominal — adj. Nominal is used with these nouns: ↑charge, ↑clause, ↑fee, ↑head, ↑rent, ↑sum, ↑value, ↑wage …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 65nominal diameter — A characteristic value used for pipeline systems to identify parts which belong together such as pipes, pipe joints, fittings, etc.; a nominal size for the inside diameter …

    Dictionary of automotive terms

  • 66nominal fee — noun A fee that does not reflect the true value of the subject it is attached to. Usually it is only a token value …


  • 67Nominal Effective Exchange Rate - NEER — The unadjusted weighted average value of a country s currency relative to all major currencies being traded within an index or pool of currencies. The weights are determined by the importance a home country places on all other currencies traded… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 68nominal income — income at face value, receipts without deductions or influences of changes in the index or value of the currency …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 69nominal price — 1) A minimal price fixed for the sake of having some consideration for a transaction. It need bear no relation to the market value of the item. 2) The price given to a security when it is issued. This is the maximum amount the holder can be… …

    Big dictionary of business and management

  • 70nominal interest rate — /ˌnɒmɪn(ə)l ɪntrəst reɪt/ noun an interest rate expressed as a percentage of the face value of a bond, not on its market value …

    Dictionary of banking and finance