Nominal value

  • 91face value — The value of an insurance policy, bond, note, mortgage, or other security, as given on the certificate or instrument, payable upon maturity of the instrument. The face value is also the amount on which interest or coupon payments are calculated.… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 92face value — Synonyms and related words: account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 93market value — Synonyms and related words: account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, face value, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 94par value — Synonyms and related words: account, asking price, bearish prices, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, closing price, conversion factor, decline, face, face value, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 95face value — 1. The *nominal value of a *bond or other debt instrument. The purchase price of a bond when issued may differ from its face value, owing to a *discount or *premium on issuance, and the *market values of traded bonds also tend to differ from face …

    Auditor's dictionary

  • 96par value — The value of an instrument for the payment of money as determined by the face of the instrument. The face value of a bond. An amount fixed as the nominal value of a share of corporate stock, such amount indicating the sum of money or value of… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 97Face Value — The nominal value or dollar value of a security stated by the issuer. For stocks, it is the original cost of the stock shown on the certificate. For bonds, it is the amount paid to the holder at maturity (generally $1,000). Also known as par… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 98book value — Synonyms and related words: asking price, bearish prices, bid price, bullish prices, call price, closing price, decline, face value, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, high, issue par, issue price, low, market price, market value, nominal …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 99par value — noun the value of a security that is set by the company issuing it; unrelated to market value • Syn: ↑face value, ↑nominal value • Hypernyms: ↑value …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 100rated value — vardinė vertė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. nominal value; rated value; rating value vok. Nennwert, m; Nominalwert, m rus. номинал, m; номинальное значение, n pranc. valeur de dénomination, f; valeur nominale, f …

    Fizikos terminų žodynas