
  • 21Северное Сияние , Филип Пулман (2003)
    Роман "Северное сияние" вошел в список ста лучших романов всех времен, составленный в 2003 году газетой The Observer… 510 руб

  • 22Vanity Fair , Thackeray William Makepeace (1992)
    Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения. Thackeray's upper-class Regency world is a noisy and jostling commercial fairground, predominantly driven by… 203 руб

  • 23450 Vocabulaire Nouveaux Exercices Debutants Livre + Corriges , Thierry Gallier
    450 activit&# 233;s de r&# 233;emploi pour apprendre, s'exercer, tester ses connaissances et ainsi progresser dans la ma&# 238;trise du vocabulaire. L'organisation de l'ouvrage est th&# 233;matique… 561 руб

  • 24Sex and the City , Bushnell Candace (2006)
    Enter a world where the sometimes shocking and often hilarious mating habits of the privileged are exposed by a true insider. In essays drawn from her witty and sometimes brutally candid column in… 610 руб

  • 25The Creative Impulse and Other Stories. Level 6 Upper , Milne J. (2005)
    Maugham, the quintessential observer of human behavior, tells the stories of: The Creative Impulse, The Round Dozen and Jane 659 руб

  • 26Кок'н'булл , Селф У. (2004)
    Диптих (две повести) одного из самых интересных английских прозаиков поколения сорокалетних. Первая книга… 87 руб

  • 27Mysterious Mr Quin , Christie Agatha (2003)
    A unique offering from the Queen of Crime. This Agatha Christie Signature Edition features the hero the world-famous author was most fond of - Mr Harley Quin, the enigmatic friend and counterpart of… 517 руб

  • 28Le Chat , Georges Simenon (2007)
    II avait l&# 226;ch&# 233; le journal, qui s'&# 233;tait d'abord d&# 233;ploy&# 233; sur ses genoux puis qui avait gliss&# 233; lentement avant d'atterrir sur le parquet cir&# 233;. On aurait cru… 626 руб

  • 29Cape Cod Folks , Sarah P. McLean Greene (1908)
    1908. A minor work by Thoreau, Cape Cod illustrates the qualities that define his greatest works: his clarity and ease of style, and his concreteness as a naturalist and observer of nature and… 1826 руб

  • 30The Gambler: and The House of the Dead , F.M. Dostoevsky (2010)
    Alexey Ivanovitch is a young tutor in the household of a general. He is both observer and actor in the tempest which surrounds his impoverished employer. Everyone is waiting for the death of Granny… 203 руб