On the contrary

  • 131the greater the truth, the greater the libel — The ‘Mansfield’ referred to in quots. 1787 and 1882 was William Murray, first Earl of Mansfield (1705–93), statesman and judge. c 1787 BURNS Poems (1968) I. 349 Dost not know that old Mansfield, who writes like the Bible, Says the more ’tis a… …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 132the bleating of the kid excites the tiger — The victim’s cries of distress stir up the predator; Kipling took the idea, in a story about schoolboys giving bullies a taste of their own medicine, from Francis Galton’s The Art of Travel (1855; ‘one of the forms had been studying that pleasant …

    Proverbs new dictionary