
  • 61drill — n 1. cutting instrument, boring tool, rotary tool. 2. calisthenics, exercise, physical training; gymnastics, slimnastics, aerobics; workout, warm up. 3. teaching, instruction, grounding, training, coaching, drilling; inculcation, indoctrination,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 62gore — n 1. blood, clot, coagulation, grume, scab biness; carnage, slaughter, butchery, murder v 2. horn, butt, hook; pierce, transpierce, penetrate, disembowel, gut; puncture, prick, gouge; stab, spear, lance, pink, stick, impale, spit …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 63penetrate — v 1. pierce, transpierce, pass through; stab, gore, gouge, spear, lance, spike, run through, Sl. let the daylight in; bore, drill, ream, ream out, auger; perforate, puncture, prick, punch, riddle, Sl. fill full of holes; impale, transfix, fix,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 64pierce — v 1. penetrate, puncture, pass through or into, transpierce; enter, tunnel, bore, drill; perforate, make a hole or holes in, punch, honeycomb, riddle; run through, stab, lancinate, prick, stick, pink, gore; cut, gash, slit, gride. See also… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 65puncture — n 1. perforating, boring, drilling, punching, pinking, puncturing; piercing, stabbing, lancinating, pricking, sticking; cutting, slitting, splitting, gashing, slashing. 2. hole, perforation, cut, incision, split, gash, scotch, rent, slit, slot;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 66spear — n 1. lance, javelin, pike, halberd, trident, harpoon. v 2. pierce, transpierce, penetrate; stab, gore, gouge, lance, lancinate, spike, run through, Sl. let the daylight in; impale, transfix, fix, spit, skewer, Sl. shish kebab …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 67spit — I v 1. expectorate, hawk, spew, slobber, salivate, drivel, drool, dribble, froth, slaver, slabber, sputter, splutter. 2. jeer, hiss, sneer, scoff, slur, flout, Sl. razz; snort, curl one s lip, Sl. give the raspberry or Bronx cheer, hoot, rail;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 68stab — v 1. pierce, puncture, lancinate, prick, stick, cut, slit, gash, slash, slice, trepan; penetrate, enter, pass through, transpierce, run through, Sl. let the daylight in; impale, transfix, fix, spit, skewer; spike, spear, pike; knife, bayonet;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 69stick — I n 1. branch, limb, stem, bough, spray, switch, twig; shoot, sprout, runner, tendril, scion. 2. kindling, fagot, tinder; firewood, brush, brushwood, driftwood. 3. rod, wand, baton, staff, pike, pole; scepter, crosier, crook, standard, caduceus;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 70transfix — v 1. impale, pierce, transpierce, stab, prick, stick; puncture, perforate, bore; penetrate, tap, broach, open up; pink, spear, spike, spit, skewer; run through, gut, disembowel, eviscerate. 2. fasten, attach, affix, fix; pin, tack, nail, bolt,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder