Utter disapproval

  • 1utter disapproval — index denunciation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2denunciation — I noun accusal, accusatio, accusation, anathema, aspersion, backbiting, blame, calumny, carping, castigation, censure, charge, chiding, commination, complaint, condemnation, contumely, coup de bee, criticism, damnation, decrial, defamation,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 3Days of our Lives storylines — This is an overview of major historical storylines from the daytime drama Days of our Lives .1960sThe HortonsWhen the show debuted in 1965, it centered around the Horton family. Dr Tom Horton and his wife Alice had five children: Tom Jr., who had …


  • 4condemnation — n. 1. Act of condemning, condemning, sentencing, dooming. 2. Sentence of punishment, judgment, sentence, penalty. 3. Utter disapproval, proscription, banning. 4. Guilt, sin, wrong, ground of condemnation, condemning fact, ill desert, what… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 5Baloch Insurgency and Rahimuddin's Stabilization — The Baloch Insurgency was a series of secessionist rebellions in Balochistan, the largest province of Pakistan, from 1973 to 1976. Rahimuddin Khan s Stabilization was a series of administrative reforms and indirect military action aimed at… …


  • 6condemn — v.tr. 1 express utter disapproval of; censure (was condemned for his irresponsible behaviour). 2 a find guilty; convict. b (usu. foll. by to) sentence to (a punishment, esp. death). c bring about the conviction of (his looks condemn him). 3… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 7hoot — hoot1 hootingly, adv. /hooht/, v.i. 1. to cry out or shout, esp. in disapproval or derision. 2. to utter the cry characteristic of an owl. 3. to utter a similar sound. 4. Chiefly Brit. to blow a horn or whistle; toot. v.t. 5. to assail with… …


  • 8hoot — I [[t]hut[/t]] v. i. 1) to cry out or shout, esp. in disapproval or derision 2) anb to utter the cry characteristic of an owl 3) to utter a similar sound 4) to assail with shouts of disapproval or derision 5) to drive out or away by hooting 6) to …

    From formal English to slang

  • 9hoot — I. /hut / (say hooht) verb (i) 1. to cry out or shout, especially in disapproval or derision. 2. (of an owl) to utter its cry. 3. to utter a similar sound. 4. to blow a horn or factory hooter; honk. 5. to laugh. –verb (t) 6. to assail with shouts …

  • 10hoot — hoot1 [ho͞ot] vi. [ME houten, of echoic orig., as also in Swed, Norw huta] 1. to utter its characteristic hollow sound: said of an owl 2. to utter a sound like this 3. to shout or cry out, esp. in scorn or disapproval vt. 1. to express (scorn,… …

    English World dictionary