answer to

  • 41answer — Verb: To reply; to assume liability, as to answer for the debt of another; in pleading, to make defense by negativing the allegations of the plaintiff or interposing affirmative defenses. Noun: The reply to a question, as in answering… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 42answer — 1. noun 1) her answer was unequivocal Syn: reply, response, rejoinder, reaction, retort, riposte; informal comeback 2) the answer to this problem Syn: solution, remedy, way out, explanation …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 43answer — 1. noun /ˈɑːn.sə(ɹ),ˈæn.sɚ/ a) A response; something said or done in reaction to a statement or question. Her answer to his proposal was a slap in the face. b) A solution to a problem. There is no si …


  • 44answer — n 1. acknowledgment, confirmation, reply; response, rejoinder, return, replication, respond ence; retort, repartee, riposte, Sl. comeback, retaliation, back talk, Inf. sass. 2. counterblast, countercharge, recrimination, counterstatement,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 45answer — see ask a silly question and you get a silly answer a civil question deserves a civil answer a soft answer turneth away wrath …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 46answer — [OE] Etymologically, the word answer contains the notion of making a sworn statement rebutting a charge. It comes from a prehistoric West and North Germanic compound *andswarō; the first element of this was the prefix *and ‘against’, related to… …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 47answer — (someone s) answer to (someone/something) someone or something that is just as good as a more famous person or thing in the place where it comes from. The Kennedy clan was America s answer to the royal families of Europe …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 48answer — I. v. n. 1. Reply (especially to a question), rejoin, respond, say in reply, make answer, reply, or response. 2. Be accountable, be responsible or liable, be security, go surety. 3. Correspond, be correlated, be counterpart, be like, be similar.… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 49answer —   Pane, panena, ō, eō; ī mai (Cf. Gram. 7.2); ha ina (as to a riddle); hua loa a, ha iloa a (as to a problem); pākīkē, ho okīkē, u u (rude); āpa apani (clever).    ♦ To answer briefly, ekemu.    ♦ To refuse to answer, mū …

    English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • 50answer — [OE] Etymologically, the word answer contains the notion of making a sworn statement rebutting a charge. It comes from a prehistoric West and North Germanic compound *andswarō; the first element of this was the prefix *and ‘against’, related to… …

    Word origins