answer to

  • 61Answer Me, My Love — is a popular song, originally written (with German lyrics, under the title Mutterlein ) by Gerhard Winkler and Fred Rauch. The English lyrics were written by Carl Sigman in 1953. Sigman first wrote the song as a religious themed song, Answer Me,… …


  • 62Answer to Job — ( Antwort auf Hiob ) is a 1952 book by Carl Gustav Jung addressing the moral, mythological and psychological implications of the Book of Job. It was first published as Antwort auf Hiob (Zürich, 1952) and translated into English (London,… …


  • 63Answer print — refers to the first version of a given motion picture that is printed to film after color correction on an interpositive. It is also the first version of the movie printed to film with the sound properly synced to the picture.Answer prints are… …


  • 64answer for something — answer for (something) to admit responsibility for causing a problem or situation. He may not go to jail, but someday he is going to have to answer for what he did before God. If you mix art and politics critics get upset and you have to answer… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 65answer for — (something) to admit responsibility for causing a problem or situation. He may not go to jail, but someday he is going to have to answer for what he did before God. If you mix art and politics critics get upset and you have to answer for it.… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 66Answer tone — is a feature of wireline modems.The answer tone is the first signal sent by the answering modem after the billing delay. In its most basic form, it is a single continuous tone with a frequency of 2100 Hz (or 2225 Hz for Bell modes). It is the… …


  • 67Answer To Select — Answer to Select, kurz ATS, ist Teil der Aktivierungssequenz für Chipkarten, die kontaktlos nach Standard ISO/IEC 14443 kommunizieren. Der ATS ist die Antwort auf den Request To Answer To Select, kurz RATS und wird nur für das kontaktlose… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 68Answer to Reset — Answer to Reset, kurz ATR, ist die erste Information, die eine Chipkarte in der kontaktbehafteten Kommunikation an einen Chipkartenleser übermittelt, nachdem dieser einen Reset der Karte durchgeführt hat. Vereinfacht gesprochen handelt es sich… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 69Answer-Song —   [englisch/amerikanisch, ɑːnsə(r)sɔȖ], Bezeichnung aus dem amerikanischen Musikgeschäft für einen Titel, der ein anderes Stück aufgreift und gleichsam »beantwortet« oder karikiert. Ein berühmt gewordenes Beispiel dafür ist die Serie der »Annie«… …


  • 70answer in the negative — answer/respond/reply in the negative ► to give an answer of no : »Issuers that do not have a CUSIP number should answer Question 8 in the negative. Main Entry: ↑negative …

    Financial and business terms