answer to

  • 71answer/respond/reply in the negative — ► to give an answer of no : »Issuers that do not have a CUSIP number should answer Question 8 in the negative. Main Entry: ↑negative …

    Financial and business terms

  • 72answer someone's prayers — to provide what someone hopes or prays for They hoped that God would answer their prayers and restore their son s health. Their prayers were answered when their son s health was restored. • • • Main Entry: ↑answer …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 73answer somebody back — ˌanswer ˈback | ˌanswer sb ˈback derived to speak rudely to sb in authority, especially when they are criticizing you or telling you to do sth • Don t answer back! • Stop answering your mother back! Main entry: ↑answerderived …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 74Answer to Select — Answer to Select, kurz ATS, ist Teil der Aktivierungssequenz für Chipkarten, die kontaktlos nach Standard ISO/IEC 14443 kommunizieren. Der ATS ist die Antwort auf den Request To Answer To Select, kurz RATS und wird nur für das kontaktlose… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 75answer\ the\ call\ of\ nature — • answer the call of nature • obey the call of nature v. phr. slang To go to the bathroom to relieve oneself by urinating or defecating. Ted was hiking in the mountains when suddenly he had to answer the call of nature but since there was no… …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 76answer to someone — answer to (someone) to be responsible to someone else. If you own your own company, you do not have to answer to stockholders …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 77answer back code — noun An individual set of characters by which each telex machine can identify itself and be identified • • • Main Entry: ↑answer …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 78answer the description of — phrase to look like the person or thing described Police arrested a man answering her description of the attacker. Thesaurus: to look the same as, or similar to, someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: answer * * * correspond to a description,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 79answer for somebody — ˈanswer for sb derived (usually in negative sentences) to say that sb else will do sth or have a particular opinion • I agree, but I can t answer for my colleagues. Main entry: ↑answerderived …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 80answer to somebody (for something) — ˈanswer to sb (for sth) derived to have to explain your actions or decisions to sb • All sales clerks answer to the store manager. Main entry: ↑answerderived …

    Useful english dictionary