1Sense and Sensibility (+ Audio CD) , Jane Austen (2008)
Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are sisters. Both are intelligent, sensitive, charming, and beautiful, but there the similarities end. Elinor values propriety and common sense; she is prudent and… 1065 руб2The Whole Day Through , Patrick Gale (2009)
The new novel from Patrick Gale, author of Richard&Judy-bestseller Notes from an Exhibition. When forty-something Laura Lewis is obliged to abandon a life of stylish independence in Paris to care for… 668 руб3Looking for Alaska , Green John (2011)
First drink, first prank, first friend, first girl, last words! A poignant and moving crossover novel about making friends and growing up from American author, John Green. Miles Halter is fascinated… 621 руб4Sense and Sensibility , Austen Jane (2008)
Famously characterized as the story of two Dashwood sisters who embody the conflict between the oppressive nature of civilized society and the human desire for romantic passion, there is far more to… 1356 руб5A Spot of Bother , Haddon Mark (2007)
George Hall is an unobtrusive man. A little distant, perhaps, a little cautious, not quite at ease with the emotional demands of fatherhood or of manly bonhomie. The secret of contentment, George… 504 руб6Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell , Susanna Clarke (2015)
Two magicians shall appear in England. The first shall fear me; the second shall long to behold me... The year is 1806. England is beleaguered by the long war with Napoleon, and centuries have passed… 1079 руб7Russian Business Law: Compendium№ 3 , Clifford Chane (2014)
When Compendium II was published about a year ago, we remarked that Russia had gone through legislative and political changes in 2012/2013 that - from a lawyer's perspective - could be described as… 1219 руб8A Vow to Secure His Legacy , Энни Уэст (2016)
After losing her mother, Imogen Holgate believes she&# 039;s living on borrowed time with the same terminal illness. So the cautious accountant blows all her savings on a once-in-a-lifetime trip… 146 грн (только Украина)9Lewis Percy , Brookner A. (2016)
Destined to be a haunter of libraries, Lewis's cautious progress through life reveals to him only his own shortcomings. Estranged from his wife and daughter, he searches for an alternative. This… 489 руб10Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell , Clarke S. (2015)
The year is 1806. England is beleaguered by the long war with Napoleon, and centuries have passed since practical magicians faded into the nation's past. But scholars of this glorious history… 635 руб