be angry

  • 121angry — gram …

    English to the Old English

  • 122angry — adjective (angrier, angriest) 1》 feeling or showing anger. 2》 (of a wound or sore) red and inflamed. Derivatives angrily adverb …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 123angry — a. Provoked, exasperated, irritated, incensed, piqued, galled, chafed, indignant, moody, sulky, irate, ireful, wroth, wrathful, storming, infuriate, infuriated, furious, raging, resentful, hot, inflamed, mad, passionate, in a passion, in a pet,… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 124angry — adj 1. wrathful, wroth, irate, ireful, incensed, horn mad; enraged, raging, fuming, smoking, infuriated, Rare. infuriate, furious; livid, Inf. mad as a hornet, Inf. mad as hops, Inf. mad as a wet hen; inflamed, flaming, flaring, flared up, heated …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125angry — an·gry …

    English syllables

  • 126angry young man — an′gry young man′ n. lit. one of a group of British writers of the 1950s critical of tradition and society …

    From formal English to slang

  • 127Angry Penguins — /ængri ˈpɛŋgwəŋz/ (say angree penggwuhnz) noun 1. a school of Australian modernist poets founded and led by Max Harris; active in the 1940s until the Ern Malley hoax. 2. an Australian avant garde quarterly journal devoted to art and literature,… …

  • 128angry young man — noun a young man, especially a writer, outspokenly disgusted with the existing social order …