be angry

  • 91Angry\ Bogan — A discontented and disillusioned individual, angry at the world, with a penchant for wearing flannel. Hey AJ, did you see that Angry Bogan in the Torana with the Jim Beam sticker on the back? …

    Dictionary of american slang

  • 92Angry\ Bogan — A discontented and disillusioned individual, angry at the world, with a penchant for wearing flannel. Hey AJ, did you see that Angry Bogan in the Torana with the Jim Beam sticker on the back? …

    Dictionary of american slang

  • 93Angry Young Men — Los Angry Young Men (jóvenes iracundos o jóvenes airados) fueron un grupo de escritores británicos de mediados del siglo XX. Sus obras expresan la amargura de las clases bajas respecto al sistema sociopolítico imperante de su tiempo y la… …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 94angry — See angry, mad …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 95Angry Young Men — An|gry* Young Men [ æŋgri jʌŋ mɛn] die (Plur.) <aus gleichbed. engl. angry young men, eigtl. »zornige junge Männer«> Vertreter einer sozialkritischen literarischen Richtung in England in der zweiten Hälfte der 50er Jahre des 20. Jh.s …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 96angry crowd — mass of irritated people, large group of angry people …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 97angry — adjective Syn: furious, irate, vexed, irked, enraged, seething, infuriated, in a temper, fuming, outraged, cross; informal (hopping) mad, up in arms, foaming at the mouth, steamed up, in a paddy; Brit.; informal shirty; N.Amer.; …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 98angry — /ˈæŋgri / (say anggree) adjective (angrier, angriest) 1. (sometimes followed by with or at in relation to a person or at or about in relating to a thing) feeling or showing anger or resentment. 2. characterised by anger; wrathful: angry words. 3 …

  • 99angry — see a hungry man is an angry man …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 100angry — adj. (angrier, angriest) 1 feeling or showing anger; extremely displeased or resentful. 2 (of a wound, sore, etc.) inflamed, painful. 3 suggesting or seeming to show anger (an angry sky). Derivatives: angrily adv. Etymology: ME, f. ANGER + Y(1) …

    Useful english dictionary