cause to cohere

  • 1cohere — verb (cohered; cohering) Etymology: Latin cohaerēre, from co + haerēre to stick Date: 1598 intransitive verb 1. a. to hold together firmly as parts of the same mass; broadly stick, adhere b …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 2adhere, cohere — These words have related meanings, as is suggested by their common Latin root (here, from haerere), which implies sticking or clinging together. One object adheres to another through the use of glue; a person adheres to a belief, a cause, a… …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 3bind — bindable, adj. /buynd/, v., bound, binding, n. v.t. 1. to fasten or secure with a band or bond. 2. to encircle with a band or ligature: She bound her hair with a ribbon. 3. to swathe or bandage (often fol. by up): to bind up one s wounds. 4. to… …


  • 4bind — [[t]baɪnd[/t]] v. bound, bind•ing, n. 1) to fasten or secure with or as if with a band 2) to encircle with a band or ligature: to bind one s hair with a ribbon[/ex] 3) to bandage (often fol. by up): to bind up one s wounds[/ex] 4) to fix in place …

    From formal English to slang

  • 5bind — [c]/baɪnd / (say buynd) verb (bound, binding) –verb (t) 1. to make fast with a band or bond. 2. to swathe or bandage. 3. to fasten around; fix in place by girding. 4. to cause to cohere or harden. 5. to unite by any legal or moral tie: bound by… …

  • 6hold — 1. v. & n. v. (past and past part. held) 1 tr. a keep fast; grasp (esp. in the hands or arms). b (also refl.) keep or sustain (a thing, oneself, one s head, etc.) in a particular position (hold it to the light; held himself erect). c grasp so as… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 7unite — I. v. a. 1. Join, combine, connect. 2. Attach, cause to cohere. 3. Join. 4. Incorporate, amalgamate, embody, consolidate, centralize, blend, merge. 5. Associate, couple, conjoin, connect, link. II. v. n. 1. Co …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 8stick — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. stab, puncture, prick; put, place, thrust; glue; transfix, impale; informal, puzzle, stump. See opening, coherence, difficulty. v. i. adhere, cling; stay, remain, tarry; stall, freeze, be immobile …

    English dictionary for students

  • 9epistemology — epistemological /i pis teuh meuh loj i keuhl/, adj. epistemologically, adv. epistemologist, n. /i pis teuh mol euh jee/, n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. [1855 60; < Gk&#8230; …


  • 10Association of Ideas — Association of Ideas, or Mental association, is a term used principally in the history of philosophy and of psychology to refer to explanations about the conditions under which representations arise in consciousness, and also for a principle put&#8230; …
