come very near to

  • 11Come Play With Me — film poster by Tom Chantrell Directed by Harrison Marks …


  • 12near — [nir] adv. [ME nere < ON & OE: ON nær, near (orig. compar. of nā ): OE near, nearer, compar. of neah, NIGH] 1. at or to a relatively short distance in space or time [summer draws near] 2. relatively close in degree; almost: now usually nearly… …

    English World dictionary

  • 13Come Back, Africa — Directed by Lionel Rogosin Produced by Lionel Rogosin Written by Lionel Rogosin, Lewis Nkosi, William Modisane Cin …


  • 14come up — {v.} 1. To become a subject for discussion or decision to talk about or decide about. * / He was a good salesman, and price never came up until the very last, Mary said./ * /The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting./ * /Mayor… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 15come up — {v.} 1. To become a subject for discussion or decision to talk about or decide about. * / He was a good salesman, and price never came up until the very last, Mary said./ * /The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting./ * /Mayor… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 16come (or fall) apart at the seams — informal be in a very poor condition and near to collapse. → seam …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 17come — 1 /kVm/ verb past tense came past participle come MOVE 1 (I) a word meaning to move towards someone, or to visit or arrive at a place, used when the person speaking or the person listening is in that place: Come a little closer. | Sarah s coming… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 18near — /nɪə / (say near) adverb 1. close: near by. 2. nigh; at, within, or to a short distance: to stand near. 3. close at hand in time: New Year s Day is near. 4. close in relation; closely with respect to connection, similarity, etc. 5. Chiefly… …

  • 19come — v. & n. v.intr. (past came; past part. come) 1 move, be brought towards, or reach a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker or hearer (come and see me; shall we come to your house?; the books have come). 2 reach or be brought to a… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 20come — come1 W1S1 [kʌm] v past tense came [keım] past participle come ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move towards somebody/something)¦ 2¦(go with somebody)¦ 3¦(travel to a place)¦ 4¦(post)¦ 5¦(happen)¦ 6¦(reach a level/place)¦ 7¦(be produce …

    Dictionary of contemporary English