continuous sound

  • 31digital sound recording —       method of preserving sound in which audio signals are transformed into a series of pulses that correspond to patterns of binary digits (i.e., 0 s and 1 s) and are recorded as such on the surface of a magnetic tape or optical disc. A digital …


  • 32Quantization (sound processing) — In signal processing, quantization is the process of approximating a continuous range of values (or a very large set of possible discrete values) by a relatively small set of discrete symbols or integer values. This article describes aspects of… …


  • 33Antonio Meucci — Born 13 April 1808(1808 04 13) Florence, Italy …


  • 34buzz — buzz1 [bʌz] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(make a sound)¦ 2¦(moving around)¦ 3¦(excitement)¦ 4¦(call)¦ 5¦(thoughts)¦ 6¦(ears)¦ 7¦(aircraft)¦ Phrasal verbs  buzz off ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: From the sound] …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 35buzz — buzz1 [ bʌz ] verb 1. ) intransitive when an insect such as a fly or BEE buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound a ) intransitive used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used: Saws were buzzing… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 36buzz — I UK [bʌz] / US verb Word forms buzz : present tense I/you/we/they buzz he/she/it buzzes present participle buzzing past tense buzzed past participle buzzed 1) [intransitive] when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous …

    English dictionary

  • 37hum — hum1 [hʌm] v past tense and past participle hummed present participle humming [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: From the sound] 1.) [I and T] to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed hum to yourself ▪ Tony was humming to himself… …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 38buzz — 1 verb 1 MAKE A SOUND (I) to make a continuous sound, like the sound of a bee: The machine made a loud buzzing noise. 2 MOVE AROUND a) (intransitive always + adv/prep) to move around in the air making a continuous sound like a bee: buzz… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 39roll — rollable, adj. /rohl/, v.i. 1. to move along a surface by revolving or turning over and over, as a ball or a wheel. 2. to move or be moved on wheels, as a vehicle or its occupants. 3. to flow or advance in a stream or with an undulating motion,… …


  • 40drone — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. monotone, hum, buzz. See repetition. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A continuous sound] Syn. hum, buzz, vibration; see noise 1 . 2. [An idle person] Syn. idler, loafer, parasite; see loafer . v. Syn. hum,… …

    English dictionary for students