deposit as security

  • 91Social Security Act — Le Social Security Act (« Loi sur la Sécurité Sociale ») est une loi américaine approuvée par le Congrès des États Unis en 1935 et qui a marqué la mise en place de la première forme d état providence aux États Unis. Au début des années… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 92Income Participating Security - IPS — A security that comprises a common share and a high yield bond packaged together to distribute an issuer s cash flow to investors in a tax efficient manner. An income participating security generally trades on an exchange, and its two components… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 93Preferred Redeemable Increased Dividend Equity Security - PRIDES — First introduced by Merrill Lynch, PRIDES are synthetic securities consisting of a forward contract to purchase the issuer s underlying security and an interest bearing deposit. Interest payments are made at regular intervals, and conversion into …

    Investment dictionary

  • 94refundable deposit — This is a refundable deposit required at lease inception. In some cases it may be used to satisfy the final monthly payment. It is sometime called a security deposit …

    Dictionary of automotive terms

  • 95Crown Agents Philatelic and Security Printing Archive — Original artwork for the Gilbert and Ellice Islands 1971 1c stamp Cutting Toddy . Part of the Crown Agents Philatelic archive.[1] The Crown Agents Philatelic and Security Printing Archive was deposited with the British Museum (later becoming the… …


  • 96Bank of deposit — Bank Bank, n. [F. banque, It. banca, orig. bench, table, counter, of German origin, and akin to E. bench; cf. G. bank bench, OHG. banch. See {Bench}, and cf. {Banco}, {Beach}.] 1. An establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue, of… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 97Excess Margin Deposit — Funds deposited in a trading account beyond what is required to fund basic margin requirements. The total balance on the account equals excess margin deposits plus margin. Investors can typically open an account and start trading with only a… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 98Fixed-Rate Certificate of Deposit — A certificate of deposit (CD) which has a set interest rate to be paid throughout the entire lilfe of the investment. There are many types of fixed rate CDs, such as liquid CDs, brokered CDs, callable CDs and traditional CDs. This a great… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 99Negotiable Certificate Of Deposit (NCD) — A certificate of deposit with a minimum face value of $100,000. These are guaranteed by the bank and can usually be sold in a highly liquid secondary market, but they cannot be cashed in before maturity. Due to their large denominations, NCDs are …

    Investment dictionary

  • 100bid security — The expression is not a phrase of art having a precise meaning in the law of contracts, but its natural meaning in a proposal for public work is that a deposit is required of the bidder in order to assure the government of the seriousness of the… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary