1Difficult Points in Chinese Grammar , Zheng Yide, Ma Sheng Jingheng, Liu Yuehua, Yang Jiarong (2004)
"Difficult Points in Chinese Grammar" is supplementary material for teaching Chinese grammar. This book, compiled by teachers from the United States and China, focuses on the six Chinese grammar… 859 руб2Difficult Conversations. How to Discuss What Matters Most , Брюс Паттон,Дуглас Стоун,Шейла Хин (2010)
От издателя:Do you find it difficult to:- Negotiate a pay rise?- Discuss relationship problems with your partner?- Ask an awkward favour?- Confront a neighbour or friend?Much as we try and… 426 грн (только Украина)3Difficult Passages in the Works of Shakespeare , Kinnear Benjamin Gott (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1321 руб4Difficult Labour , Herman George Ernest (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1318 руб5Difficult Digestion Due to Displacements , Eccles Arthur Symons (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 687 руб6Difficult Points in Chinese Grammar , Shenjing Ma (2010)
This book, compiled by teachers from the United States and China, focuses on the six Chinese grammar points that are frequently misused by Chinese learners in English-speaking countries. In an… 537 руб7The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups. How They Are Difficult, Why They Are Difficult and What You Can Do About It , Sandy Schuman
WE'VE ALL EXPERIENCED the challenges associated with working with groups, but The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups turns the idea of«difficult groups» on its head. Rather than view groups… 8273.02 руб электронная книга8Make Difficult People Disappear. How to Deal with Stressful Behavior and Eliminate Conflict , Monica Wofford
Save your organization by building the skills to deal with difficult people We all have to work with people we can't stand to be around. Our challenge is to find creative ways to handle these… 1430.29 руб электронная книга9How to Deal with Difficult Customers. 10 Simple Strategies for Selling to the Stubborn, Obnoxious, and Belligerent , Dave Anderson
Praise for How to Deal with Difficult Customers«The application of the ten key strategies in this book will help every sales professional learn how to deal with the truly difficult and how to avoid… 1951.19 руб электронная книга10R&# 233;pertoire orthographique du fran&# 231;ais: Pi&# 232;ges et difficult&# 233;s , Callet S. (2015)
Ce R&# 233;pertoire orthographique du fran&# 231;ais r&# 233;pond aux questions r&# 233;currentes que se posent les usagers de la langue fran&# 231;aise. Il r&# 233;pertorie de mani&# 232;re simple… 2042 руб