fair weather

  • 81fair — [adj1] impartial, unprejudiced aboveboard, benevolent, blameless, candid, civil, clean, courteous, decent, disinterested, dispassionate, equal, equitable, even handed, frank, generous, good, honest, honorable, impartial, just, lawful, legitimate …

    New thesaurus

  • 82Fair Haven Beach State Park — is on the shore of Lake Ontario. This park is in the Town of Sterling in Cayuga County, New York. The park is northeast of the Village of Fair Haven on the east side of Little Sodus Bay. The southern part of the park is sometimes called Fair… …


  • 83make fair weather — express in a friendly manner, express in a non threatening manner …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 84It's Always Fair Weather —    Voir Beau fixe sur New York …

    Dictionnaire mondial des Films

  • 85fair — fair1 W2S1 [feə US fer] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(reasonable and acceptable)¦ 2¦(treating everyone equally)¦ 3¦(quite large)¦ 4¦(hair/skin)¦ 5¦(according to the rules)¦ 6¦(level of ability)¦ 7¦(weather)¦ 8 have had more than your fair share of something 9… …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 86Stress of weather — Weather Weath er, n. [OE. weder, AS. weder; akin to OS. wedar, OFries. weder, D. weder, we[^e]r, G. wetter, OHG. wetar, Icel. ve[eth]r, Dan. veir, Sw. v[ a]der wind, air, weather, and perhaps to OSlav. vedro fair weather; or perhaps to Lith.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 87To make bad weather — Weather Weath er, n. [OE. weder, AS. weder; akin to OS. wedar, OFries. weder, D. weder, we[^e]r, G. wetter, OHG. wetar, Icel. ve[eth]r, Dan. veir, Sw. v[ a]der wind, air, weather, and perhaps to OSlav. vedro fair weather; or perhaps to Lith.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 88To make good weather — Weather Weath er, n. [OE. weder, AS. weder; akin to OS. wedar, OFries. weder, D. weder, we[^e]r, G. wetter, OHG. wetar, Icel. ve[eth]r, Dan. veir, Sw. v[ a]der wind, air, weather, and perhaps to OSlav. vedro fair weather; or perhaps to Lith.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 89Under the weather — Weather Weath er, n. [OE. weder, AS. weder; akin to OS. wedar, OFries. weder, D. weder, we[^e]r, G. wetter, OHG. wetar, Icel. ve[eth]r, Dan. veir, Sw. v[ a]der wind, air, weather, and perhaps to OSlav. vedro fair weather; or perhaps to Lith.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 90fair — 1 adjective 1 REASONABLE AND ACCEPTABLE a situation, system, or way of treating people that is fair seems reasonable and acceptable: a fair wage for the job | Who said life was fair? | Everyone should have the right to a fair trial. | it is fair… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English