hide from view
1hide from view — index ensconce Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2Hide box — A hide box is a box placed in an animal s enclosure which allows it to hide from view.Many species of animals are easily stressed by the presence of humans or activity when they are kept in a captive situation. Most of these animals benefit from… …
3view — view1 W1S1 [vju:] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(opinion)¦ 2¦(way of considering)¦ 3¦(sight)¦ 4¦(scenery)¦ 5¦(picture)¦ 6¦(chance to see something)¦ 7 in view of something 8 with a view to (doing) something 9 in view 10 take the lon …
4hide — vb Hide, conceal, screen, secrete, cache, bury, ensconce are comparable when meaning to withdraw or to withhold from sight or observation. Hide, the general term, and conceal are often interchangeable. But hide may or may not suggest intent {let… …
5hide — hide1 hidable, adj. hidability, n. hider, n. /huyd/, v., hid, hidden or hid, hiding, n. v.t. 1. to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered: Where did she hide her jewels? …
6hide — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ thick, tough ▪ Elephants have a very tough hide. ▪ leathery, scaly ▪ raw ▪ …
7hide — I [[t]haɪd[/t]] v. hid, hid•den hid, hid•ing, 1) to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered 2) to obstruct the view of; cover up: The sun was hidden by the clouds[/ex] 3) to conceal from knowledge or exposure; keep secret: to… …
8hide — hide1 [ haıd ] (past tense hid [ hıd ] ; past participle hidden [ hıdn ] ) verb *** 1. ) transitive to put something in a place so that no one can find or see it: hide something in/at/under etc. something: She hid the key in the drawer. hide… …
9hide — I UK [haɪd] / US verb Word forms hide : present tense I/you/we/they hide he/she/it hides present participle hiding past tense hid UK [hɪd] / US past participle hidden UK [ˈhɪd(ə)n] / US *** 1) [transitive] to put something in a place so that no… …
10hide — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hīgid, hīd Date: before 12th century any of various old English units of land area; especially a unit of 120 acres II. verb (hid; hidden or hid; hiding) Etymology: Middle English hiden, f …