ill usage

  • 31ill —    1. menstrual    Common female usage:     When were you ill last? About a fortnight ago, she replied. (F. Harris, 1925)     Mrs Pepys was ill of those: Thence home and my wife ill of those upon the maid s bed. (Pepys, 1669)    2.    suffering… …

    How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • 32usage — Synonyms and related words: acceptance, acceptation, acception, active use, adjectival phrase, antonym, appliance, application, articulation, automatism, bad habit, bon ton, care, ceremony, characteristic, choice, choice of words, clause,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 33ill-formed — adjective not grammatical; not conforming to the rules of grammar or accepted usage • Syn: ↑ungrammatical • Ant: ↑grammatical (for: ↑ungrammatical) • Similar to: ↑incorrect * …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 34ill, sick — These terms mean of unsound physical or mental health, unhealthy, diseased, afflicted, not well. In the United States, they are used interchangeably, with ill being considered the more formal and sometimes applied only to more serious maladies… …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 35ill — [12] ‘Sick’ is not the original meaning of ill. To start with it meant ‘bad’ (a sense which survives, of course, in contexts such as ‘ill will’, ‘illmannered’, etc), and ‘sick’ did not come on the scene until the 15th century. The word was… …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 36ill — [12] ‘Sick’ is not the original meaning of ill. To start with it meant ‘bad’ (a sense which survives, of course, in contexts such as ‘ill will’, ‘illmannered’, etc), and ‘sick’ did not come on the scene until the 15th century. The word was… …

    Word origins

  • 37abuse — 1 /ə byüz/ vt abused, abus·ing 1: to put to a use other than the one intended: as a: to put to a bad or unfair use abusing the powers of office b: to put to improper or excessive use abuse narcotics …

    Law dictionary

  • 38Malevolence — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Malevolence >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 malevolence malevolence Sgm: N 1 bad intent bad intent bad intention Sgm: N 1 unkindness unkindness diskindness Sgm: N 1 ill nature ill nature ill will ill blood …

    English dictionary for students

  • 39misuse — I noun abuse, degradation, erroneous use, ill treatment, ill usage, ill use, improper usage, improper use, incorrect usage, incorrect use, maladministration, malpractice, maltreatment, misapplication, misappropriation, misemployment, mishandling …

    Law dictionary

  • 40abuse — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. misuse, misapply; mistreat, injure, damage; malign, scold, berate, vilify, curse; flay. n. injury, desecration; insult. See disapprobation, badness, deception, impurity, wrong.Ant., praise,… …

    English dictionary for students