image in reflection

  • 71Virtual image — In optics, a virtual image is an image in which the outgoing rays from a point on the object never actually intersect at a point. A simple example is a flat mirror where the image of oneself is perceived at twice the distance from yourself to the …


  • 72Australian Centre for the Moving Image — The Australian Centre for the Moving Image , or ACMI , is dedicated to the moving image in all its forms (much like the Museum of the Moving Image in New York which was the first museum in the world dedicated to film, television, and digital… …


  • 73Mirror Image (The Twilight Zone) — Mirror Image The Twilight Zone episode Vera Miles as Millicent in Mirror Image Episode no …


  • 74Distinctness of image — See also Visual appearance Distinctness of image, DOI, is a quantification of the deviation of the direction of light propagation from the regular direction by scattering during transmission or reflection. DOI is sensitive to even subtle… …


  • 75spitting image — Synonyms and related words: Doppelganger, actual thing, carbon copy, companion, copy, dead ringer, ditto, double, duplicate, effigy, equivalent, exact counterpart, exact likeness, facsimile, fellow, homograph, homonym, homophone, icon, idem,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 76mirror image — mirror images also mirror image N COUNT: oft N of n If something is a mirror image of something else, it is like a reflection of it, either because it is exactly the same or because it is the same but reversed. I saw in him a mirror image of my… …

    English dictionary

  • 77Virtual image — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 78The Image of You — Infobox ESC entry song = flagicon|Albania The Image of You caption = year = 2004 country = Albania artist = Anjeza Shahini as = with = language = English languages = composer = Edmon Zhulali lyricist = Agim Doçit conductor = place = 7th points =… …


  • 79mirror image — n something that has its parts reversely arranged in comparison with another similar thing or that is reversed with reference to an intervening axis or plane * * * 1. the image of light made visible by the reflecting surface of the cornea and… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 80mirror image — noun An image that is reversed from left to right, as it would appear if seen in a mirror; a reflection …
