in actual existence or operation

  • 21Critique of Pure Reason — Part of a series on Immanuel …


  • 22Kant: Critique of Judgement — Patrick Gardiner Kant’s third Critique, the Critique of Judgement, was published in 1790 and was intended as he himself put it to bring his “entire critical undertaking to a close.” So conceived, it was certainly in part designed to build upon… …

    History of philosophy

  • 23Pythagoreans and Eleatics — Edward Hussey PYTHAGORAS AND THE EARLY PYTHAGOREANS Pythagoras, a native of Samos, emigrated to southern Italy around 520, and seems to have established himself in the city of Croton. There he founded a society of people sharing his beliefs and… …

    History of philosophy

  • 24Biblical Exegesis —     Biblical Exegesis     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Biblical Exegesis     Exegesis is the branch of theology which investigates and expresses the true sense of Sacred Scripture.     The exegete does not inquire which books constitute Sacred… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 25CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 26History of electromagnetism — The history of electromagnetism, that is the human understanding and recorded use of electromagnetic forces, dates back over two thousand years ago, see Timeline of electromagnetism. The ancients must have been acquainted with the effects of… …


  • 27Postage stamps and postal history of the Confederate States — Confederacy Treasury Dept cover Various departments of the Confederate government used envelopes which were printed with the names of their department. Examples where the words Official Business occurs are common. The postage stamps and postal… …


  • 28Property — • The person who enjoys the full right to dispose of it insofar as is not forbidden by law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Property     Property      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 29memory —    by Cliff Stagoll   Deleuze has little time for memory conceived as a means for summoning old perceptions. Such a model lacks creative potential and implies that an object, say, can be re presented and re cognised as the same one as that… …

    The Deleuze dictionary

  • 30memory —    by Cliff Stagoll   Deleuze has little time for memory conceived as a means for summoning old perceptions. Such a model lacks creative potential and implies that an object, say, can be re presented and re cognised as the same one as that… …

    The Deleuze dictionary