in consideration of

  • 1consideration — con·sid·er·a·tion n: something (as an act or forbearance or the promise thereof) done or given by one party for the act or promise of another see also contract compare motive ◇ Except in Louisiana, consideration is a necessary element to the… …

    Law dictionary

  • 2Consideration in English law — is one of the three main building blocks of a contract. Consideration can be anything of value (such as an item or service), which each party to a legally binding contract must agree to exchange if the contract is to be valid. If only one party… …


  • 3considération — [ kɔ̃siderasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. consideratio 1 ♦ Action d examiner avec attention. ⇒ attention, étude, examen. Affaire qui demande une longue considération. Vieilli Sans considération de personne. ⇒ acception. Mod. Être digne de… …

    Encyclopédie Universelle

  • 4Consideration under English law — Consideration is one of the three main building blocks of a contract in English contract law. Consideration can be anything of value (such as an item or service), which each party to a legally binding contract must agree to exchange if the… …


  • 5considération — CONSIDÉRATION. sub. f. Action par laquelle on considère, on examine. Cela est digne de considération. Cela mérite considération, demande une longue considération, beaucoup de considération. f♛/b] En ce sens, il signifie au pluriel, Réflexions,… …

    Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • 6consideration — Consideration. s. f. v. Action par laquelle on considere. Il a fait cela sans consideration. cela est digne de consideration. cela merite consideration. longue consideration. Il signifie aussi, Raison, esgard. Il a fait cela par telle… …

    Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • 7Consideration (England und Wales) — Consideration bezeichnet im Recht von England und Wales ein Erfordernis für die Einklagbarkeit von Verträgen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Definition 2 Voraussetzungen 2.1 Angemessenheit 2.2 Erfüllung einer …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 8Consideration and Initiating Structure — are two dimensions of leader behavior identified as a result of the Ohio State Leadership Studies. According to the findings of these studies, leaders exhibit two types of behaviors, people oriented (consideration) and task oriented (initiating… …


  • 9Consideration — Con*sid er*a tion (k[o^]n*s[i^]d [ e]r*[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [L. consideratio: cf. F. consid[ e]ration.] 1. The act or process of considering; continuous careful thought; examination; contemplation; deliberation; attention. [1913 Webster] Let us… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 10consideration — Consideration, Consideratio, Animaduersio, Notatio, AEstimatio, Reputatio. Avec grande consideration, pensement et advis, Considerate. On ne sçauroit estimer que la consideration de la Lune y sert, Infinitum refert lunaris ratio. Sans… …

    Thresor de la langue françoyse