
  • 71blend — v 1. mix, admix, commix, intermix; mingle, commingle, scramble, intermingle, interlard; compound, combine, alloy, Chem. levigate, merge,coalesce, melt together; unite, join, inosculate, fuse, amalgamate, incorporate; intertwine, interweave, link… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 72combine — v 1. mix, commix, admix, conglomerate, agglomerate; amalgamate, blend, homogenize; compound, alloy, Chem. levigate; commingle, mingle, intermingle, intermix, lump together; jumble, scramble, throw together; synthesize, consolidate, correlate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 73commingle — v mix, admix, commix, intermix; blend, mingle, scramble, intermingle, interlard; combine, compound, alloy, Chem. levigate, merge, coalesce, melt together; unite, join, inosculate, fuse, amalgamate, incorporate; interweave, intertwine, link… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 74granulate — v grain, powder, levigate, pulverize, triturate, comminute; crush, grind, pound, bray; crumble, crumb, fragment, disintegrate; roughen, file, rasp, scrape, abrade …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 75grate — I v 1. irritate, aggravate, exasperate, exacerbate, rub the wrong way; annoy, vex, irk, peeve, gall, nettle; wear on, weary, fatigue, fatigate, tire; tax, strain, burden. 2. rasp, grit, gride, scrape, clank, jangle; screech, creak, screak, shrill …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 76grind — v 1. whet, mill, kibble, stone, sand, sandpaper, pumice; grate, file, rasp, scrape, gride; smooth, polish, burnish, buff. 2. crush, bray, pound, beat, mash, smash, Sl. smush; pulverize, mortar, comminute, triturate, levigate, powder, granulate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 77masticate — v 1. chew, crunch, craunch, munch, champ, mumble, gnaw, nibble, bite, Dial. chaw, Archaic. manducate; chew well, Fletcherize; ruminate, remasticate, rechew, chew the cud. 2. pulverize, comminute, triturate, levigate, powder, granulate, break down …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 78meld — v 1. merge, combine, consolidate, amalgamate; incorporate, syndicate, federate, confederate; join, marry, wed, unite, coalesce, associate, ally, link; intertwine, interweave, put together, lump together, pool, throw together, jumble, scramble. 2 …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 79mix — v 1. commix, admix, intermix, immix; combine, mingle, intermingle, commingle, put together, blend, Brit. Dial. mell, homogenize; compound, alloy, Chem. levigate, Chem. synthesize, adulterate; interweave, intertwine, interlard, intersperse,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 80pound — I v 1. beat, batter, pommel, pelt, lay on, Sl. paste, Archaic. belabor; cudgel, bludgeon, baste, bastinado, cane, club, hammer, fustigate; maul, manhandle, rough up, Inf. give it to, Sl. knock around or about, Sl. give [s.o.] the business, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder