pass to

  • 111pass by — See: PASS OVER …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 112pass by — See: PASS OVER …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 113pass up — transitive verb Date: 1896 to let go by without accepting or taking advantage of < pass up a chance for promotion >; also decline, reject …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 114Pass on — The motion to pass on is a dilatory motion used in legislative procedure. It is distinct from the motion to lay on the table or postpone definitely. Mason s Manual states: [cite parl|title=MAS|pages=492|edition=2000|year=2000] References …


  • 115pass up — verb To refuse ; forgo. Can you pass up this box to the guy on the ladder? …


  • 116pass by — verb a) to proceed past something b) to pass over. disregard, overlook …


  • 117PASS — personal alerting safety system; Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study; Postarthroplasty Screening Study [for deep venous thrombosis]; Practical Applicability of Saruplase Study; Prehospital Applicability of Saruplase Study * * * pass pas vt to emit or …

    Medical dictionary

  • 118pass — passive * * * pass pas vt to emit or discharge from a bodily part and esp. from the bowels: EVACUATE (2), VOID …

    Medical dictionary

  • 119pass — See passed, past, pass …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 120pass up — phr verb Pass up is used with these nouns as the object: ↑chance, ↑opportunity …

    Collocations dictionary