pass to

  • 51pass — ▪ I. pass pass 1 [pɑːs ǁ pæs] verb 1. [transitive] if an official group passes a law, proposal etc, or it passes that group, it is accepted by them, especially by voting: • Shareholders of Fibreboard Corp. narrowly passed a measure doubling the… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 52pass — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 in sports ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, long ▪ short ▪ good, perfect ▪ dropped, errant …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 53Pass — Reisepass * * * Pass [pas], der; es, Pässe [ pɛsə]: 1. amtlicher Ausweis zur Legitimation einer Person (bei Reisen ins Ausland): der Pass ist abgelaufen, ist gefälscht; an der Grenze mussten wir unsere Pässe vorzeigen. Syn.: ↑ Ausweis, Papiere… …


  • 54pass — [[t]pæs, pɑs[/t]] v. t. 1) to move past; go by: to pass a car on the road[/ex] 2) to let go without notice, action, etc.; disregard 3) to cause or allow to go through a barrier, obstacle, etc.: The guard passed the visitor[/ex] 4) to go across or …

    From formal English to slang

  • 55pass — [c]/pas / (say pahs) verb (passed or, Rare, past, passing) –verb (t) 1. to go by or move past (something). 2. to go by without acting upon or noticing; leave unmentioned. 3. to omit payment of (a dividend, etc.). 4. to go or get through (a… …

  • 56pass — com·pass·able; com·pass·less; en·com·pass·ment; pass; pass·able; pass·ably; pass·er·by; pass·gang; pass·ing·ly; pass·ing·ness; pass·less; pass·man; pass·port·less; re·pass; sur·pass; sur·pass·er; sur·pass·ing·ly; tres·pass·er; un·re·pass·able;… …

    English syllables

  • 57pass*/*/*/ — [pɑːs] verb I 1) [I/T] to go past something The procession slowly passed us.[/ex] They stopped at the crossing, waiting for the train to pass.[/ex] 2) [I/T] to move, or to move something, in a particular direction or to a particular place or… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 58pass — Synonyms and related words: OK, abalienate, abandon, abysm, abyss, accept, access, accredit, act like, administer, adopt, advance, affiliate, affirm, aggrandize, agree to, aisle, alien, alienate, alley, allow, ambulatory, amen, amortize, answer,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 59pass — 1. v. & n. v. (past part. passed) (see also PAST). 1 intr. (often foll. by along, by, down, on, etc.) move onward; proceed, esp. past some point of reference (saw the procession passing). 2 tr. a go past; leave (a thing etc.) on one side or… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 60pass — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French passer, from Vulgar Latin *passare, from Latin passus step more at pace Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. move, proceed, go 2. a. to go away ; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary