
  • 111lengthy — adj 1. very long, extensive, (of words or expressions) sesquipedalian; extended, drawn out, dragged out, protracted, long drawn, long drawn out; prolonged, lengthened, elongated, elongate. 2. verbose, wordy, prolix, long winded, tedious, boring;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 112oratorical — adj 1. rhetorical, Speech. elocutionary, declamatory; eloquent, articulate, well spoken, silver tongued, Archaic. facund, Obs. facundious, Ciceronian; (all of speech) poetic, graceful, easy, facile, flowing, fluent, glib, slick, smooth,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 113orotund — adj 1.(all of the voice) strong, powerful, mighty; full, rich, mellifluous; deep, sonorous; resonant, resounding, reverberating, rolling, ringing; big, booming, thundering. 2.(all of a style of speaking) pompous, bombastic, fustian, grandiloquent …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 114overblown — adj 1. overdone, excessive, extravagant, lavish, profuse, copious. See overdone(def. 2). 2. oversize, outsize, overlarge, overbig. 3. elaborate, overelaborate, overdetailed, overworked, overwrought; exaggerated, blown or blown up, blown up out of …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 115prolix — adj 1. verbose, wordy, long winded; tautological, redundant, pleonastic, battological; discursive, digressive, rambling, wandering; circumlocutory, roundabout, circuitous, ambagious; lengthy, very long, extensive, sesquipedalian; extended, drawn… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 116puffy — adj 1. gusty, blasty, blustery, squally; windy, breezy, airy. 2. short winded, panting, blowing, out of breath, breathless, winded, blown, exhausted, gasping, wheezing. 3. inflated, Obs. sufflated, swollen, distended, turgid, tumid, bulging,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 117rhetorical — adj 1. eloquent, articulate, well spoken, silver tongued, Archaic. facund, Obs. facundious, Ciceronian; (all of speech) poetic, graceful, easy, facile, flowing, fluent, glib, slick, smooth, smoothtongued. 2.(all of speech) expressive, cogent,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 118sonorous — adj 1.(all of sound) resonant, loud, resounding, booming, thunderous, powerful, amplified; ringing, tolling, plangent, clangorous; echoing, reechoing, reverberating, reverberant, reberative, reflected; vibrant, vibrating, vibratory, vibrative;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 119swollen — adj 1. enlarged, tumid, tumescent, turgid, inflated, Obs. sufflated, distended, expanded, dilated, Pathol., Bot. hypertrophied; bloated, puffed up or out, puffy, Pathol. dropsical, Pathol. edematous, Pathol. edematose; full, filled, stuffed,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 120tumid — adj 1. swollen, enlarged, bloated, puffed up or out, puffy, Pathol. dropsical, Pathol. edematous, Pathol. edematose, Bot., Entomol. incras sate; tumescent, turgid, inflated, Obs. sufflated, distended, expanded, dilated, Pathol., Bot. hypertro… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder