sow broadcast
1broadcast — Synonyms and related words: accessible, advertise, advertisement, affirmed, air, airing, announce, announced, announcement, annunciate, attenuation, bandying, beam, bed, bestrew, blazon, book, broadcasting, brought to notice, bruit about,… …
2sow — Synonyms and related words: Partlet, barrow, bed, bestrew, biddy, bitch, boar, bossy, broadcast, brood mare, bullion, button, cast, casting, circumfuse, cow, deal out, dibble, diffract, diffuse, dispense, disperse, dispread, disseminate,… …
3sow — sow1 [sou] n. [ME sowe < OE sugu, akin to Ger sau (OHG su) < IE base * sū , pig > SWINE, L sus] 1. a) an adult female pig b) an adult female of certain other mammals, as the bear 2 …
4broadcast — [n] information on electronic media advertisement, air time, announcement, newscast, performance, program, publication, radiocast, show, simulcast, telecast, transmission; concepts 274,293 broadcast [v1] put forth on electronic media air,… …
5broadcast — [brôd′kast΄, brôd′käst΄] vt. broadcast or broadcasted, broadcasting 1. to scatter (seed) over a broad area rather than sow in drills 2. to spread (information, gossip, etc.) widely 3. to transmit, as to a large audience, by radio or television vi …
6sow — {vb *strew, straw, scatter, broadcast}}} …
7sow — [v] plant broadcast, disject, disseminate, drill, fling, grow, implant, inseminate, lodge, pitch, propagate, put in, raise, scatter, seed, strew, toss; concepts 253,257 Ant. dig, harvest, reap …
8broadcast — vb 1 *strew, straw, scatter, sow Analogous words: *spread, circulate, disseminate, propagate 2 promulgate, publish, advertise, announce, *declare, proclaim …
9broadcast — [18] Broadcast was originally an adjective and adverb, and meant literally ‘scattered widely’, particularly in the context of sowing seeds. A metaphorical sense developed in the late 18th and 19th centuries (William Stubbs, in his Constitutional… …
10broadcast — I. adjective Date: 1767 1. cast or scattered in all directions 2. made public by means of radio or television 3. of or relating to radio or television broadcasting II. verb (broadcast; also broadcasted; broadcasting) Date: 1813 …