to be derived

  • 101Phospholipid-derived fatty acids — (PLFA) are widely used in microbial ecology as chemotaxonomic markers of bacteria and other organisms. Phospholipids are the primary lipids composing cellular membranes. They can be esterified to many types of fatty acids. Once the phospholipids… …


  • 102List of company and product names derived from indigenous peoples — The following is a list of company or product names derived from Indigenous peoples, excluding geographic names.Companies* Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company * Geronimo * Mohawk Airlines * Mohawk Gasoline * Niagara Mohawk Power Company, now… …


  • 103Tire derived fuel — is composed of shredded tires. Tires may be mixed with coal or other fuels such as wood to be burned in concrete kilns, power plants, or paper mills. The use of TDF for heat production is controversial due to the possibility for toxin production …


  • 104Platelet-Derived Growth Factor A — Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Untereinheit A Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 125 Aminosäuren …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 105Manure-derived synthetic crude oil — is a synthetic crude oil chemically engineered (converted) from animal or human manure. Research into the production of manure derived synthetic crude oil began with pig manure in 1996 at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign by the… …


  • 106thymus-derived cells — plural noun (immunology) Lymphocytes derived from the thymus • • • Main Entry: ↑thymus …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 107(be) derived from something — deˈrive from sth | be deˈrived from sth derived to come or develop from sth • The word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city’. Main entry: ↑derivederived …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 108Human teratocarcinoma-derived virus — HTDV, or human teratocarcinoma derived virus, is a human endogenous retrovirus …


  • 109Alphabets derived from the Latin — Variants of the Latin alphabet are used by the writing systems of many languages throughout the world. The tables below summarize and compare some of the alphabets known to the various contributors. In this article, the word alphabet is… …


  • 110Hicks-Marshall laws of derived demand — In economics, the Hicks Marshall laws of derived demand assert that, other things equal, the own wage elasticity of demand for a category of labor is high under the following conditions: * When the price elasticity of demand for the product being …
