to be derived

  • 91KiSS1-derived peptide receptor — The KiSS1 derived peptide receptor (also known as GPR54) is a G protein coupled receptorcite journal | author = Lee DK, Nguyen T, O Neill GP, Cheng R, Liu Y, Howard AD, Coulombe N, Tan CP, Tang Nguyen AT, George SR, O Dowd BF | title = Discovery… …


  • 92P1-derived artificial chromosome — The P1 derived artificial chromosome are DNA constructs that are derived from the DNA of P1 bacteriophage. They can carry large amounts (about 100 300 kilobases) of other sequences for a variety of bioengineering purposes. It is one type of… …


  • 93Platelet Derived Growth Factor — Der Name Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) steht für eine Familie von vier Wachstumsfaktoren (PDGF A, PDGF B, PDGF C und PDGF D), die alle als Mitogen auf Zellen wirken, die ihren Ursprung im embryonalen Bindegewebe haben. Sie werden bei… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 94English language idioms derived from baseball — B = * ballpark: in the ballpark, ballpark figure, and out of the ballpark mdash; Ballpark has been used to mean a broad area of approximation or similarity, or a range within which comparison is possible; this usage OED dates to 1960. Another… …


  • 95Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor — or EDHF refers to an unknown compound, secreted by endothelial cells, which leads to nitric oxide and prostacyclin independent vasodilation by relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Discovery of EDHFSecretion of nitric oxide (NO) or… …


  • 96Refuse-derived fuel — (RDF) or solid recovered fuel/ specified recovered fuel (SRF) is a fuel produced by shredding municipal solid waste (MSW) or steam pressure treating in an autoclave. RDF consists largely of organic components of municipal waste such as plastics… …


  • 97Joint and derived demand — Joint demand and derived demand are concepts within the field of economics.Joint demand refers to a situation in which the demand for two or more products is interdependent, normally because they are used together. This relationship can be well… …


  • 98Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 — Teratocarcinoma derived growth factor 1, also known as TDGF1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: TDGF1 teratocarcinoma derived growth factor 1| url = Cmd=ShowDetailView… …


  • 99Cartilage-derived angiogenesis inhibitor — A cartilage derived angiogenesis inhibitor is an angiogenesis inhibitor produced from cartilage. Examples include the peptide troponin I [cite journal |author=Kern BE, Balcom JH, Antoniu BA, Warshaw AL, Fernández del Castillo C |title=Troponin I… …


  • 100Adipose derived hormones — Adipose tissue is an important endocrine organ that secretes numerous protein hormones into circulation. These factors are generally referred to as adipocytokines or adipokines, however the strict definition of an adipokine is that it interacts… …
