vain fruitless

  • 91La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier, sieur de — born Nov. 22, 1643, Rouen, France died March 19, 1687, near Brazos River [now in Texas, U.S.] French explorer. In 1666 he left France for North America and was granted land near Montreal. He explored the Ohio River region (1669) and then worked… …


  • 92Micchami Dukkadam — Jainism This article is part of a series on Jainism Prayers and Vows …


  • 93unproductive — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. inoperative; barren, unfertile, unprolific; arid, dry, sterile, unfruitful; fruitless, bootless; fallow; impotent, issueless; unprofitable, useless; null and void, of no effect. See uselessness,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 94vanity — n. 1. Emptiness, hollowness, triviality, worthlessness, futility, unrealness, unsubstantialness, falsity, vanitas vanitatum. 2. Conceit, conceitedness, egotism, self conceit, self sufficiency, petty pride, self complacency, self approbation, self …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 95barren — [adj1] unable to support growth arid, depleted, desert, desolate, dry, effete, empty, fallow, fruitless, impotent, impoverished, infecund, infertile, parched, sterile, unbearing, uncultivable, unfertile, unfruitful, unproductive, waste; concepts… …

    New thesaurus

  • 96Labour — n. & v. (US, Austral. labor) n. 1 a physical or mental work; exertion; toil. b such work considered as supplying the needs of a community. 2 a workers, esp. manual, considered as a class or political force (a dispute between capital and labour).… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 97labour — n. & v. (US, Austral. labor) n. 1 a physical or mental work; exertion; toil. b such work considered as supplying the needs of a community. 2 a workers, esp. manual, considered as a class or political force (a dispute between capital and labour).… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 98fruit´less|ness — fruit|less «FROOT lihs», adjective. 1. having no results; useless; unsuccessful: »Our search was fruitless; we could not find the lost book. SYNONYM(S): abortive, futile, vain, ineffectual, unprofitable, empty, idle. 2. producing no fruit; barren …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 99fruit´less|ly — fruit|less «FROOT lihs», adjective. 1. having no results; useless; unsuccessful: »Our search was fruitless; we could not find the lost book. SYNONYM(S): abortive, futile, vain, ineffectual, unprofitable, empty, idle. 2. producing no fruit; barren …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 100fruit|less — «FROOT lihs», adjective. 1. having no results; useless; unsuccessful: »Our search was fruitless; we could not find the lost book. SYNONYM(S): abortive, futile, vain, ineffectual, unprofitable, empty, idle. 2. producing no fruit; barren: »a… …

    Useful english dictionary