vast number

  • 11vast — I Cleveland Dialect List a great quantity or number: a vast o folk II North Country (Newcastle) Words elliptical for vast deal: a vast of money , a vast of sheep …

    English dialects glossary

  • 12number — numberable, adj. numberer, n. /num beuhr/, n. 1. a numeral or group of numerals. 2. the sum, total, count, or aggregate of a collection of units, or the like: A number of people were hurt in the accident. The number of homeless children in the… …


  • 13number — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 symbol/word ADJECTIVE ▪ three digit, 16 digit ▪ cardinal, ordinal ▪ even, odd ▪ Houses on thi …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 14Number Pieces — Two time brackets from Five (1988), the first one flexible, the second fixed The term Number Pieces refers to a body of late compositions by John Cage. Each piece is named after the number of performers involved: for instance, Seven is a piece… …


  • 15vast — adj. Vast is used with these nouns: ↑amount, ↑archive, ↑area, ↑army, ↑array, ↑assortment, ↑audience, ↑auditorium, ↑bank, ↑body, ↑bog, ↑bulk, ↑ …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 16National identification number — A national identification number, national identity number, or national insurance number is used by the governments of many countries as a means of tracking their citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents for the purposes of work,… …


  • 17Uniform number (American football) — In American football, uniform numbers are more unusual than in any other sport. They are displayed in more locations on the uniform than in those of other sports (on both the front and back of the jersey, and on both shoulders), and on the front… …


  • 18Graham's number — Graham s number, named after Ronald Graham, is a large number that is an upper bound on the solution to a certain problem in Ramsey theory. This number gained a degree of popular attention when Martin Gardner described it in the Mathematical… …


  • 19Meter Point Administration Number — A Meter Point Administration Number, also known as MPAN, Supply Number or S Number, is a 21 digit reference used in Great Britain to uniquely identify electricity supply points such as individual domestic residences. The gas equivalent is the… …


  • 20NIE Number — The NIE Number is a tax identification number in Spain, known in Spanish as the “Número de Identificación de Extranjero”. The NIE Number is issued by the National Police of Spain and in accordance to Spanish law is required for the purchase or… …
