what it purports to be

  • 51Socrates and the beginnings of moral philosophy — Hugh H.Benson INTRODUCTION Cicero in Tusculan Disputations famously tells us that Socrates first called philosophy down from the sky, set it in cities and even introduced it into homes, and compelled it to consider life and morals, good and evil …

    History of philosophy

  • 52Socrates — /sok reuh teez /, n. 469? 399 B.C., Athenian philosopher. * * * born с 470, Athens died 399 BC, Athens Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. Because he wrote… …


  • 53UNITED STATES LITERATURE — The Influence of the Bible and Hebrew Culture The Jewish influence on American literary expression predated the actual arrival of Jews in the United States in 1654, for the Puritan culture of New England was marked from the outset by a deep… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 54An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals — is a book by Scottish enlightenment philosopher David Hume. In it, Hume argues (among other things) that the foundations of morals lie with sentiment, not reason. An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (EPM) is the enquiry subsequent to… …


  • 55Plato — /play toh/, n. 1. 427 347 B.C., Greek philosopher. 2. a walled plain in the second quadrant of the face of the moon, having a dark floor: about 60 miles (96 km) in diameter. * * * orig. Aristocles born 428/427, Athens, or Aegina, Greece died… …


  • 56Media bias — Part of a series on Censorship By media …


  • 57Kierkegaard, Søren — ▪ Danish philosopher Introduction in full  Søren Aabye Kierkegaard  born May 5, 1813, Copenhagen, Den. died Nov. 11, 1855, Copenhagen  Danish philosopher, theologian, and cultural critic who was a major influence on Existentialism and Protestant… …


  • 58Vico, Giambattista — Giambattista Vico Antonio Pérez Ramos Faire, c’est se faire. S.Mallarmé Giambattista Vico’s (1688–1744) contribution to the history of western thought is both difficult to identify and still harder to evaluate. So much so that the overall… …

    History of philosophy

  • 59Meta-ethics — In philosophy, meta ethics is the branch of ethics that seeks to understand the nature of ethical properties, statements, attitudes, and judgments. Meta ethics is one of the three branches of ethics generally recognized by philosophers, the… …


  • 60Section 109 of the Australian Constitution — In Australia, legislative power is held concurrently by the Commonwealth and the States. In the event of inconsistency between Commonwealth and State laws, section 109 of the Constitution of Australia provides that the laws of the Commonwealth… …
