with speed

  • 51Speed Tribes — Speed Tribes: Days and Nights with Japan s Next Generation is a 1995 book by Karl Taro Greenfeld. It is a collection of non fiction short stories, each focusing on a specific Japanese youth in the early 1990s, a turbulent time in Japan following… …


  • 52Speed — (sp[=e]d), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sped} (sp[e^]d), {Speeded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Speeding}.] [AS. sp[=e]dan, fr. sp[=e]d, n.; akin to D. spoeden, G. sich sputen. See {Speed}, n.] 1. To go; to fare. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] To warn him now he is too… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 53Speed golf — (also known as Extreme Golf, Fitness Golf and Hit and Run Golf) is a sport started in California in 1979 by avid golfer and American elite runner Steve Scott and which involves completing a golf course in the lowest combination of strokes and… …


  • 54Speed pool — is a solitary pool game. As its name suggests, one Cuegloss|Pocket|pockets all the balls on the table as quickly as possible. It can played competitively with the aid of a stopwatch.Rules*The Cuegloss|Cue ball|cue ball must not be in motion when… …


  • 55Speed, Glue & Shinki — was a Japanese psychedelic rock power trio formed in late 1970 by guitarist Shinki Chen and his mentor Ikuzo Orita, Japanese label boss of Polydor Records. Believing Shinki to be the Japanese Jimi Hendrix, Orita released two Polydor LPs featuring …


  • 56Speed metal — Origines stylistiques Heavy metal traditionnel NWOBHM Origines culturelles Europe et États Unis à la fin des années 1970 Instrument(s) typique(s) Chant, Guitare, basse, batterie, Claviers …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 57Speed Ballads — álbum de estudio de Republica Publicación 1998 Grabación Republica, Westside, Metropolis, Strongroom, Whitfield Street, The Barge Heirophony, Londres Género(s) Electrónica, Tec …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 58Speed dreaming — is the collaborative process of bringing passionate, creative individuals with visions or ideas about a topic together with illustrators and artists. Participants, in a group, organize thoughts and dreams into sets of aspirations. Then,… …


  • 59Speed painting — is an exercise, primarily digital, in which one paints on a time budget, using already developed methods to create a piece. Contrary to (somewhat) popular belief, Speed Painting is not the same as a time lapse video of a painting. Speed Painting… …


  • 60Speed to fly — is a principle used by soaring pilots when flying between sources of lift, usually thermals, ridge lift and wave. The aim is to maximize the average cross country speed by optimizing the airspeed in both rising and sinking air. The optimal… …
