
  • 1Social work with groups — Social Work with GroupsThe group process contains the secret of collective life, it is the key to democracy, it is the master lesson for every individual to learn, it is our chief hope for the political, the social, the international life of the… …


  • 2Social capital — is a concept in business, economics, organizational behaviour, political science, public health, sociology and natural resources management that refers to connections within and between social networks. Though there are a variety of related… …


  • 3Harvard Department of Social Relations — The Department of Social Relations for Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies, more commonly known as the Department of Social Relations was an interdisciplinary collaboration among three of the social science departments at Harvard University… …


  • 4Cases of controversial relations with the Axis of World War II — includes states which were not officially members of Axis but had controversial relations with one or more Axis members.Europe Andorra During the Second World War, Andorra remained neutral but was an important smuggling route between Vichy France …


  • 5Turkmenistan, Relations with —    The territory of modern Turkmenistan was annexed by tsarist Russia in the late 1800s. The incorporation of the region, which was dominated by Turkmen nomads, extended Russia’s border with Iran and its influence over much of the Caspian Sea.… …

    Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • 6Poland, Relations with —    Polish Russian relations remain mired in four critical historical events: the partitions of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth (1772–1795); the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact (1939); the Katyń Massacre (1940), and the Red Army’s failure to intervene… …

    Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • 7Thailand, Relations with —    Sharing both a common IndoBuddhist civilization and many centuries of antagonism, the governments of Burma and Thailand followed fundamentally different courses after World War II. Under both U Nu and Ne Win, Burmese policies emphasized… …

    Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)

  • 8India, Relations with —    Upon gaining its independence from Great Britain in 1947, India became the largest member of the Non Aligned Movement. However, American overtures to its enemy Pakistan during the early years of the Cold War drove the country into a strategic… …

    Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • 9Ministry of Relations with the Parliament (Romania) — Ministry of Relations with the Parliament [[File:|]] First: Formation: Incumbent since 22 December 2008 Victor Ponta ({{{party}}}) …


  • 10Relations of production — (German: Produktionsverhältnisse ) is a concept frequently used by Karl Marx in his theory of historical materialism and in Das Kapital. Beyond examining specific cases, Marx never defined the general concept exactly. It is evident, though, that… …
