1morbidly meditate — index brood Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2brood — I verb agonize, be dejected, cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate over, despair, despond, dwell upon, fret, grieve, incubare, meditate on, mope, morbidly meditate, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, study, sulk, think anxiously,… …
3brood over — Dwell upon, think anxiously upon, morbidly meditate …
4brood — 1. SYN: litter (2). 2. To ponder anxiously; to meditate morbidly. * * * brood brüd n the young of an animal or a family of young esp the young (as of a bird or insect) hatched or cared for at one time brood vt 1 a) to sit on or incubate (eggs) b) …