- deliberate
de·lib·er·ate 1 /di-'li-bə-ˌrāt/ vb -at·ed, -at·ingvi: to think about and weigh or discuss issues and decisions carefullythe jury retired to deliberatevt: to think about or evaluatede·lib·er·ate 2 /di-'li-bə-rət/ adj1: characterized by or resulting from careful consideration; esp: characterized by or resulting from evaluation done in a cool state of blood and with a fixed purposedeliberate murder compare premeditated2: characterized by an understanding of the nature of a thing or act and its consequencesdeliberate falsehoodsde·lib·er·ate·ly advde·lib·er·ate·ness n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- deliberate
advised, aimed, attentive, calculated, careful, carefully considered, carefully weighed, cautious, characterized by reflection, cogitative, cogitatus, conscious, consideratus, considered, contemplated, contemplative, controlled, deliberative, designed, determined, dispassionate, done on purpose, excogitative, fixed, full of thought, given due consideration, gradual, intended, intentional, judged, leisurely, maturely considered, measured, meditated, meditative, outlined beforehand, planned, planned in advance, plotted, pondered, prearranged, preconsidered, predeli berated, predesigned, predetermined, premeditated, prepense, prudens, prudent, purposed, purposeful, reasoned, reflective, resolved, slow, slow-moving, slow-paced, sober, speculative, studied, thought-out, thoughtful, unhasty, unhurried, volitient, volitional, volitive, voluntary, wary, weighed, well-considered, willed, willful, with forethought
associated concepts: deliberate act, deliberate and premeditated killing, deliberate and premeditated malice, deliberate and premeditated murder, deliberate and willful misconduct, deliberate assumption of risk, deliberate killing, deliberate or intentional wrongdoing, deliberate speed deliberately and with premeditation, deliberative body
advise together, advise with, analyze, brood, cerebrate, cogitate, confer formally, consider, consider attentively, consider carefully, consider pro and con, considerare, consult, consultare, contemplate, debate, deliberare, discourse about, discuss, examine, examine carefully, excogitate, go into, hold a consultation, hold conclave, investigate, judge, meditate, mull over, negotiate, parley, ponder, ponder over, ponder reasons for and against, ratiocinate, reason, reason out, reason the point, reflect, reflect over, reflect upon, regard upon, review, ruminate, sit in conclave, sit in council, study, take counsel with oneself, take into consideration, take under consideration, think carefully, think over, weigh, weigh in the mind
aforethought, circumspect, cogitative, cold-blooded, confer (consult), consider, consult (ask advice of), debate, discreet, doubt (hesitate), express, hesitant, intentional, judicious, knowing, muse, oscillate, pause, ponder, premeditated, purposeful, reason (conclude), reflect (ponder), review, speculate (conjecture), tactical, treat (process), try (conduct a trial), voluntary, weigh, willful
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- deliberate
v.To consider; to ponder; to examine reasons for and against something in order to come to a decision.adj.Slow and careful; done with full awareness and intention.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- deliberate
1) (duh-lib-er-et) Done with care, intention, or premeditation.2) (duh-lib</>-er-ate) Consideration and discussion of facts, laws, and other matters, particularly by members of a jury, a panel of judges, or by any group including a legislature.Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- deliberate
1 adj. Intentional and premeditated, of an act performed with prior planning; with full consideration and thoroughly as in "with all deliberate speed."2 v. The process by which jurors determine the outcome of a case.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- deliberate
Willful; purposeful; determined after thoughtful evaluation of all relevant factors; dispassionate.To act with a particular intent, which is derived from a careful consideration of factors that influence the choice to be made.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- deliberate
Willful; purposeful; determined after thoughtful evaluation of all relevant factors; dispassionate.To act with a particular intent, which is derived from a careful consideration of factors that influence the choice to be made.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- deliberate
1) adj. [dee-lib-er-et] done with care and intention or premeditated.2) v. [dee-lib-er-ate] to consider the facts, the laws and/or other matters, particularly by members of a jury, a panel of judges or by any group including a legislature.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.