Mulct — Mulct, n. [L. mulcta, multa.] 1. A fine or penalty, esp. a pecuniary punishment or penalty. [1913 Webster] 2. A blemish or defect. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Syn: Amercement; forfeit; forfeiture; penalty. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mulct — Mulct, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mulcted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Mulcting}.] [L. mulctare, multare.] 1. To punish for an offense or misdemeanor by imposing a fine or forfeiture, esp. a pecuniary fine; to fine. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, to deprive of; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mulct — (v.) late 15c., to punish by a fine, from M.Fr. mulcter to fine, punish (15c.), from L. mulctare, altered (Barnhart calls it false archaism ) from multare punish, to fine, from multa penalty, fine, perhaps from Oscan or Samnite [Klein]. Sense of… … Etymology dictionary
mulct — *penalize, fine, amerce Analogous words: exact, require, *demand, claim … New Dictionary of Synonyms
mulct — [mulkt] vt. [L mulctare < mulcta, multa, a fine] 1. to punish by a fine or by depriving of something 2. to extract (money, etc.) from (someone), as by fraud or deceit n. a fine or similar penalty … English World dictionary
mulct — v. (rare) (D;tr.) ( to defraud ) to mulct of (to mulct smb. of her/his money) * * * [mʌlkt] (rare) (D;tr.) ( to defraud ) to mulct of (to mulct smb. of her/his money) … Combinatory dictionary
mulct — 1. noun /mʌlkt/ A fine or penalty, especially a pecuniary one. juries cast up what a wife is worth, / By laying whateer sum in mulct they please on / The lover, who must pay a handsome price, / Because it is a marketable vice. 2. verb /mʌlkt/ a)… … Wiktionary
mulct — [mʌlkt] formal verb extract money from (someone) by fine or taxation. ↘(mulct something of) take money or possessions from (someone) by fraudulent means. noun a fine or compulsory payment. Origin C15: from L. mulctare, multare, from mulcta a fine … English new terms dictionary
mulct something of — take money or possessions from (someone) by fraudulent means. → mulct … English new terms dictionary
mulct — I. noun Etymology: Latin multa, mulcta Date: 1591 fine, penalty II. transitive verb Date: 1611 1. to punish by a fine 2. a. to defraud especially of money ; swindle … New Collegiate Dictionary