
de·ser·tion n: the forsaking of a person, post, or relationship: as
a: permanent withdrawal from living with one's spouse without the spouse's consent and without cause or justification
◇ Desertion is a ground for divorce in many states.
b: intentional permanent termination of custody over one's child; also: abandonment
c: abandonment of military duty without leave and without the intent to return

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun abandonment, abandonment of allegiance, abjuration, absence without leave, act of forsaking, apostasy, AWOL, defection, departure, derelictio, disaffection, disloyalty, flight, forsaking, forswearing, leaving, mutiny, quitting, recreancy, renouncement, renunciation, repudiation, resignation, secession, unlawful departure, willful abandonment associated concepts: constructive desertion, willful desertion II index absence (nonattendance), dereliction, disloyalty, flight, infidelity, revolt, schism, sedition

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

in both English and Scots family law, the unilateral act (usually but not necessarily by leaving the marital home) of one spouse, without the consent of the other, intended to bring cohabitation to an end. Desertion usually involves one spouse physically leaving the matrimonial home, although this is not strictly necessary if all elements of a shared life have ceased. Desertion may be actual or constructive; the latter occurs where one spouse behaves towards the other in such a way that the others is driven to leave. To constitute a ground for divorce, in both jurisdictions, desertion must be followed by two years of non-cohabitation.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

The voluntary abandonment of one spouse by the other, without the abandoned spouse's consent. Commonly, desertion occurs when a spouse leaves the marital home for a specified length of time. Desertion is grounds for divorce in states with fault divorce. Desertion can also be the basis for a court to grant an adoption where a parent has deserted a child for a specified period of time. (See also: abandonment)
Category: Divorce & Family Law

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. The intentional and indefensible abandonment of a responsibility, such as to military service or to a spouse.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

The act by which a person abandons and forsakes, without justification, a condition of public, social, or family life, renouncing its responsibilities and evading its duties. A willful abandonment of an employment or duty in violation of a legal or moral obligation.
Criminal desertion is a husband's or wife's abandonment or willful failure without just cause to provide for the care, protection, or support of a spouse who is in ill health or necessitous circumstances.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The act by which a person abandons and forsakes, without justification, a condition of public, social, or family life, renouncing its responsibilities and evading its duties. A willful abandonment of an employment or duty in violation of a legal or moral obligation.
Criminal desertion is a husband's or wife's abandonment or willful failure without just cause to provide for the care, protection, or support of a spouse who is in ill health or necessitous circumstances.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the act of abandoning, particularly leaving one's spouse and/or children without an intent to return. In desertion cases it is often expected that a deserter who is the family breadwinner may not intend to support the family he/she left. Such conduct is less significant legally in the present era of no-fault divorce and standardized rights to child support and alimony (spousal support). Desertion can influence a court in determining visitation, custody and other post-marital issues.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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